What are we watching on TV?

Gangster Number 1 - Netflix - Tells the story of a low life troublemaker in the 1960s London morphing into a lower life gangster throughout the 1990s. It’s a low budget film with more flaws than its murders. Not an entertaining watch and the best part was seeing the credits at the end. Save yourself 100 minutes and give it a miss.
Really enjoyed Apple Cider Vinegar
The Walk-In
wasn't bad either

Watched (Part 1 of 3) : Israel and the Palestinians : The road to 7th october - it was excellent
Apparently last night was first time RTE showed the Oscars live.

Am catching up on the recording.

Started brightly with some tunes from Wicked.

The opening skits from Conan O'Brien were hit and miss then it was slow going.

But the James Bond segment was good. 1 hour 25 minutes into the RTE broadcast.
Enjoying Virdie on BBC 1 at the minute, very different from your normal British cop drama in that it is almost an all Asian cast and set in Bradford in an almost all Asian culture within British culture. Quite dark (and not for the squeamish if you don't like creep crawlies)

Gave up on Paradise on Disney + after episode 2, found it very far fetched at that stage.
You wait ages for a train and then two come along at once.

Michael Portillo's Continental Railway Journeys returns Monday 10th March on BBC2.
He starts in the Croatian city of Pula, a place James Joyce fled from calling it a "naval Siberia". Michael's focus will be on the Roman amphitheatre located there but let's hope Joyce gets a mention.

Alice Roberts Ancient Greece by Train starts Saturday 15th March on Channel 4.
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At Your Service - RTE 1 - Francis and John Brennan advise people opening or changing a business. Tonight’s episode shows the O’Carroll family hoping to renovate a premises in Tralee into a three star hotel. This is the O’Carroll’s (a successful business family) first venture into the hospitality arena.

The family consider themselves to be good business people and they are. But, Francis and John go into the whole business of running a hotel. The pitfalls are many and lots of stuff circles the O’Carroll’s inexperience in hospitality despite their good business prowess.

Target dates, costs, staff hiring, management, aspirations etc are focused upon. The main message is one person to drive decisions and once a hotel is opened, it’s open forever. The O’Carrolls are customer driven, but much crops up that they had not foreseen. The Brennans are excellent, but I’m not sure if the O’Carrolls realise the depth of their new venture. Excellent television and more informative than Dragons Den.
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