I can't see HBO moving from their 10 Episodes a season
Even this season they've averaged an extra 5 minutes per episode which means their overall screen time is the equivalent of 11 episode (of 'normal' length).
I can't see HBO moving from their 10 Episodes a season
After The Red Wedding, anything would suffer in comparison!
This seems to be the trend for GoT; penultimate episode has the fireworks (Ned Stark, Blackwater, Red Wedding) while the last one sets up storylines for the next season.
Not having read Book 4, there's a fair bit in Book 3 to be included in Season 4, e.g. Joffrey's wedding, Mance Rayder.
Surprised to see them return to Balon Greyjoy. Not sure how that added anything to the narrative. Also, the Theon storyline is one that could have been dropped without being missed.
Highlight of the episode, for me, was the Tywin / Joffrey face-off.
Did season 2 keep up the standard?
Anyone watched The White Queen on BBC over the last few weeks - reviews have ripped it to bits but it's actually quite watchable IMO and historically accurate too (as much as period dramas can be vis-a-vis dialogue etc)
Don't watch much telly these days but have watched about 3 of these of a sunday night and yes I'd agree, very 'watchable'.
Are you talking about the show or just Max Irons?!!!!!!
Watched first episode of 'Orange is the new Black' on Netflix yesterday. Not my cup of tea, despite the adult content and scenes.
But, it has the makings of a good TV drama and scored well with US TV critics.