Deadwood, The Killing, and Breaking bad have just been put on my xmas list, I'm putting great faith in your taste!
I personally thought the killing was a bit dissappointing. Download an episode and see if you like it before you buy the series.
Deadwood, The Killing, and Breaking bad have just been put on my xmas list, I'm putting great faith in your taste!
I think it's great, best Irish made drama since The Family (that might have been BBC though).
Tom Vaughan-Lawlor is great in it as Nidge.
Yeah, Ive been hearing about it all over as well, is it available through RTEs website anywhere? Is it running long? I dont remember hearing about it at all until this series.
Homeland. Last week's was a bit pants. This week's was an improvement. I'm not sure where this is going. I hope the writers do.
Going to blitz through season two of Homeland
I'm on the 4th episode and it's going realy well so far
Thumps up