What are the arguments for switching to 5G?


Registered User
I'm a satisfied GoMo customer who is very happy with my 4G service. It costs me €9.99 a month.
My missus uses a 48.ie SIM in her phone (it costs her €7.99 a month) and her 4G service is equally satisfactory.
We alternate between our two phones to provide a domestic Wifi hotspot without any problem.
Between us, we have 220 Gb of data available each month and we get average download speeds of at least 10Mb/s - frequently double that - which very comfortably meets our requirements.

GoMo is now offering a 5G service (unlimited calls and data) for €14.99 a month. In order to avail of it, I'd need to buy a new smartphone and I'm not certain whether my laptop, tablet, wifi radio and other thingies can use 5G. However, I feel absolutely no urge to incur the extra expense and I can see no reason to upgrade to 5G.

Can others advise me whether I am missing something very obvious, please? (For example, is there any risk of 4G being phased out in the near future?)

Muchas gracias, amigos!
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For your needs I'd stay as you are unless you need faster speed.
As you say, having to buy a new phone adds to the cost along with a more expensive monthly package.
Your laptop , tablet ,wifi radio etc are all using wifi (via your hotspot) and not the 4g signal directly.

3g is now starting to be turned off. 4g won't go for years.
For your needs I'd stay as you are unless you need faster speed.
As you say, having to buy a new phone adds to the cost along with a more expensive monthly package.
Your laptop , tablet ,wifi radio etc are all using wifi (via your hotspot) and not the 4g signal directly.

3g is now starting to be turned off. 4g won't go for years.

Thanks. Hopefully I won't go for years either!