I think you're crazy - this "inclusive of service" notion in hotels and restaurants thing really bugs me. If I shop in Dunnes or LIDL or Tesco, do I tip the check-out staff or the one who points me out this week's location for the corn-flakes? If I go to the cinema do I tip ticket-seller, sweetie-seller or ticket-checker? If I travel on an airline do I tip the aeroplane driver, the assistant aeroplane driver, the check-in attendant, the cabin-crew, the customs or immigration officials?Need some advice on what you should do by way of tipping staff at a wedding party. When I asked the Event Manager she told me that the package is inclusive of service but that most clients give a gratuity to the person in charge at the end of the evening & that this can be distributed amongst the staff. What % is expected & can I be sure that a cash amount handed over to the "gaffer" will be passed on & in a fair way?
Tipping is demeaning, it provides hotel and catering establishment operators a means of avoiding paying a proper wage to their staff and a service charge is just a means of screwing more money out of consumers for what in a lot of cases, IMHO, is a set of products and services that are over-priced, poorly presented, shoddily served and not worth the asking price, not to mind plus service charges and tips.
Rant over, and I still think you are nuts to want to go throwing your money around.