Now let's look at the documentation required by a PAYE employee. Where would a Code help?
Hi Brendan,
What about for the solicitor process? I don't know much about what a solicitor does when switching (this is purely due to my ignorance and lack of interest, so maybe they're doing something that couldn't be streamlined). The end result is that we go in and sign our forms and pay a grand (at least). I paid the same solicitor a couple of grand 10 years ago when getting the mortgage (boomtimes, yay) and have to pay them again to do what seem to be the same checks when nothing has changed in the house or in our circumstances.
Similar for valuations. I got my house valued when I was thinking about moving to BOI. This is €95. I got no correspondence from the valuer and they dealt with BOI.
When I applied to Ulster Bank I had another guy come out. UB cover the cost of the valuer but it's still a cost that must be incorporated into my fees somehow. The BOI valuation didn't magically become invalid. I would imagine that having a pool of valuers available that the banks trust and could contact and once a valuation is done is could be valid for 3 or 6 months could be helpful. Similarly if my LTV is 61% now and I get a mortgage on that basis, for UB I've got to get it revalued if I think I've gone below 60% to avail of relevant rates.