We have upgraded Askaboutmoney

Brendan Burgess

We have upgraded vBulletin, the forums software, on which Askaboutmoney is run.

There are not many(any?) user new user features.

But please report any unusual problems with the system here.

Positive feedback - I'm on dial up and I'm pretty sure that in the last day or so pages in AAM have been loading more quickly, 'new post' searches generated more quickly etc. Don't know if this is related to the software upgrade though.
Caveat - possibly due to less people hitting on the site in the last few days perhaps.. nt as many posts now that people are not 'at work' :rolleyes:
Is there an easier way of using the search function which has changed since the upgrade. Usually after browsing todays posts I would just go to search function and click on the area I wanted to go to. Now it asks for the image verification code but as this is never accepted I go to the main www.askaboutmoney.com and search using the main list of areas. It takes a little longer so just wondering if this is now standard or am I using the image verification incorrectly? If so can somebody advise how it works?
Its really just to have a quick look at The Depths before logging off. Before the upgrade I just clicked into the Search option at the top of the page > Advanced Search > Search in Forums > Search now but as this now asks for the image verification code which is never accepted its just as easy to go straight to the main page and click into the selected forum.

I thought I might have been using the image verification code incorrectly but couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong.

It certainly seems easier to click down to the main page than searching!

Anyway, it's odd that you are asked for the image verification code. I have just tried it and I am not asked.

Are you still logged in when you are doing this search? I logged out and did a search and it asked me for this image verification code.

It doesn't allow me to do a forum search when I'm logged in. However I've just discovered (and it was probably always there) a forum search on the front page of 'todays posts' so thats a result - pardon the pun :D