Water coming from somewhere, insurance


Registered User
Noticed mushrooms growing from under skirting board on the outside wall recently in our utility room. There’s significant dampness building up from under the wall.

Had plumber in investigating the usual suspects. As it’s a wooden house he cut away the plaster board. Still can’t find the source of the leak / dampness.

There’s a lot going on at that location between rain water / bathroom drainage & the water main. Current thinking is that its an underground leak although the pavement is dry outside.

House built in 2006 so no builders to chase down.

Could anyone suggest the next course of action and whether I could claim for any repairs from the house insurance.
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Turn off water supply and see if the area drys out.if it does dry out it’s a water supply issue & if it doesn’t dry out it could be a raising dampness or from rainfall.
Any signs of cracks or damage to the guttering, roof, or walls around the area in question? Specialist leak detection services have equipment that can pinpoint underground leaks.

Insurance is unlikely to be an option as most policies will have terms that exclude damage due to gradual causes.
Update; Found the cause, internal water pump (located in utility room) for showers with small leak on the bottom. The tile underneath the water pump had a gap in the grout exactly under the leak stopping the water from pooling causing it to go unnoticed. Probably caused 2K worth of damage between investigations and repairs. Thanks for all the replies.