Waste from packaging - large appliance


Registered User
Can I return the subject item to the shop?
Seems a bit much that I have to put this in my own bin for cardboard recycling and polystyrene landfill.
Surely the shop should take this all back to recycle
If you break it up small, you be surprised how little room it will take up in your bins.
I think a shop has to take back it's packaging those large items as far as I now. I bring them back to Power City anyway.
When I replaced both my ovens last year the supplier took all the packaging with them after delivery
Bosch who had to replace one of the ovens took all their packaging with them after reinstalling the new oven
When I replaced my TV a couple of years ago I brought the packaging material back to the retailer for disposal

As far as I'm aware every retailer that sells items with packaging are obliged to take back any packaging that comes with the items they sell