Wasp nest

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I have discovered that we have a nest of wasps in our front porch, anyone know how to go about getting rid of it. Also any recommendations of firm to do it and what sort of price it would cost. The house is in Terenure south Dublin.

saw that post, but no recommendations of firms to do it or costs. I dont really want to attack the job myself if it is relatively inexpensive to get teh professionals to do it for me.
Take a closer look, Rentokil are mentioned as doing the job for €180+VAT.
thanks for pointing that out, must have skimmed over it, any other references and prices. 180&VAT seems a lot.
As a beekeeper, the way to kill a nest of wasps is to wait until night time and pour petrol on the papery nest - not to light it!!! the fumes will kill all the wasps in an hour. then cover with plastic bag and knock in off. Put at bottom of garden to allow petrol to evaporate.
May I remind you that propagating criminal activitys is not the issue of AAM. What's about censoring this post, CCOVICH ? Wasps are protected by EU law, Ireland has signed it. Check the web, look for "hymnopterea", that is the zoologic family of these insects. All members of this family are protected by our law with one exeption: the " apinea", which are the honey bees.So asking a beekeeper how to treat hymnoptereas is like asking the butcher how to treat pigs.......IMHO.
Are you seriously suggesting that to swat and kill a wasp is a criminal offence?
Heinbloed, the hymenopterea family consists of over 100,000 species. If the above were true, it would be illegal to kill ants. Do you have links to this information? The only official government links I've been found are UK councils providing advice on how to remove and destroy wasps nests.
[broken link removed]
The FFH legislation forbids the destruction of nests of any wild life, be it by burning, or by destroying it's environ or blocking entrances etc....
Two exceptions are there however, the honey bee and a species of ants called by the latin name "linephithema humila", as far as I'm aware.
When people put pesticide powder in their kitchen they consume it. Dust is easily spread around, bon apetit.
Aldi and Lidl have no pesticide sale/storage permission.They don't sell pesticides as far as I,

a regular costumer, can see. I would stop to buy my groceries there immediately.
Tesco on the other hand stores flea collars next to sweets, box to box ("tic-tac" goes the timer for this long term risk to the consumer, pun intended) as I have witnessed it today in Tesco Youghal. These collars are "gassing out", check the use by date, it tells the consumer when the gas is reduced so far that the collar is useless. Where did the poisonous gas go? The same goes for cans of pesticide sprays, check the use-by date, they're gassing out as well.

Ask the "specially trained staff" that is suposed to look after it's correct storage for confirmation.......
A joke is our wildlife/human life protection here in Ireland !

thanks for your input, but can you stick to the original thread about wasp nests. If it is illegal to get rid of wasp nests, why are there so many pest control companies advertising this service ? Have found a company to do it, and are quoting 80 to do the job. It is better than have them swarming around my front door.
Heinbloed, wasps, ants, hymenoptera, etc. are not listed in the link you provide, though there are 40 odd pages of species that are listed.

Please try to stick to the topic at hand, the OP obviously can't live with a nest of potentially 5000 wasps in their porch. Rantings about flea collars doesn't help anyone.
Hello Sob.
When the exterminator comes out to tackle the wasps he will remove the nest or hive, But, you must also go over the porch with a fine tooth comb after the exterminator leaves.
Ensure that not one scrap or morsel of that hive remains, give the porch a good going over with dustpan, brush and hoover.
Wasps seldom use the same nest twice, but they often build one beside the previous years nest.
It would be dreadful to have the same problem two years in a row.
While cutting the grass we discovered a wasps nest in the conifer tree. It looked like a football but on closer inspection seen what it was. I got the hose out and blasted it out of the tree onto the ground. The wasps continued to visit it. I then got three shovelfulls of sand and threw that onto it. Today they continued to visit the site and started to build a new nest in same tree. Four times today I went and hosed them away and each time they came and started a new nest. Dont know what tomorrow will bring? We had to go and dig up three bushes which were attracting the wasps, forget the name of bush but all three are gone now. The wasps are persistant little devils, all that hard work all day and nothing to show for it I almost felt sorry for them.
Again: ALL wildlife is protected in the EU-that people are advertising murder doesn't make it legal. You must have a "reasonable" reason to destroy wildlife legally according to our laws- ask your lawyer what that means in legal terms.
And to LEO : the ants belong to the hymenopteras as well as the wasps, at least during their mating season.http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?t=31712
Some posts are running here paralel without that the poster knows about it.
To make it more clear to those who haven't got it yet: That a creature " is there " is no good reason to murder it. None of the original posters have given a reason why these hymenopteras are disturbing, why they should be eliminated.Therefore any advise on how to kill them is a collaboration in an criminal act.
Ask your lawyer if in doubt. Do I have to employ Barney bear to make it more clear ?
I suspect the reason the OP wants to get rid of this nest is because of its location. If someone accidently knocks against it, it might prove to be a health hazzard. This is especially so if someone has a wasp sting allergy.

If it was out in a forest somewhere, I can see your point.
Heinbloed, i think you are way over the top here , are you some kind of wildlife conservationist.If you had a nest on your front door would you just leave it there and have people walk into it ,get stung or even worse someone with an alergy to wasp stings getting stung.The origional poster just wants to get rid of the nest.Wasps are hardly an endangered species.
are you going to inform the Gardai if this person kills the wasps, they will laugh at you.
Please do get Barney out. It is not illegal to destroy a nest of wasps in your house. Bumblebees are protected by law. Thats it! By all means, if you feel strongly about killing them, I am sure you can them removed safely but don't go accusing people of breaking the law without one bit of evidence to back it up.
OK, think that's enough here. The OP has had their question answered, and clearly the health and safety issues of a nest in a porch outweigh any conservationalist ideal in relation to this plentiful species.
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