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Unregistered User
Wasps nest in garden.
I have a wasps' nest in an air-vent in the wall of my house.Fortunately, this air-vent in the inside of the house has been temporarily blocked off for quite some time as it was draughty. There is an amazing amount of activity going on in & out of the nest & I'm afraid to leave my door open & I'm also afraid that someone may be stung. I've looked at the sprays etc. in Woodies but, seeing that the nest is inside the vent,I don't honestly think that they would work. Any suggestions for a D.I.Y. solution? I understand that the Queen wasp remains there during the Winter, so I would really have to get rid of it now.
Re: Wasps nest in garden.
Fortunately, this air-vent in the inside of the house has been temporarily blocked off for quite some time as it was draughty.
Beware of blocking vents. They are there for a purpose. There have been instances of householders found dead in their houses from carbon monoxide poisoning where vents were blocked.
Frequent poster
Wasps nest in garden.
Wasps seem to create so much anxiety through lack of knowledge of these insects.
The increased activity on warmer autumn days is sometimes a combination of a last spurt of life as the wasps (including the queen!!!) die with the coming of cold weather, combined with the fact that some flowering ivys come onstream in early September and this gives the wasp nourishment for a final period of beneficial work in the countryside and in gardens - of breaking down decaying vegetation.
Wasps do not re-use old nests so you have nothing further to protect against, nor do you need to exterminate them; they will all die when the temperature drops a few more degrees.
The only problem with wasps is people. People flap their arms around scream run and excrete pheromones which alarm the wasp which has highly-refined olfactory (smell) organs and then (only then!!!) they sting. It is not in the interest of a wasp to sting. Wasps are no danger to children unless the children panic or antagonise the wasps as they go about their business - all of which is beneficial to agriculture and to the environment as a whole.
Unregistered User
Wasps' nest.
I am relieved to hear that I don't have to do anything about the wasps. I had read somewhere that the Queen lives on but am happy that this is not correct and that they will all die off naturally. Still interested in hearing other peoples experiences of this problem. Re the blocking of the vent--There is a fireplace in this very airy room which gives ventilation anyway. Thanks for the warning.
Re: Wasps' nest.
Re the blocking of the vent--There is a fireplace in this very airy room which gives ventilation anyway.
I would suggest you get expert opinion on this. The vent wouldn't have been built in a room with a fireplace if it wasn't necessary.
Frequent poster
Re: Wasps' nest.
I'm with rainyday on the vent issue, and I would never block up an existing vent unless I really knew what I was doing.
My own house was built (in 1897) without any vents save for the fireplaces so I'm *hoping* that this is adeqeate. So far so good... but then again I'm the kind of guy who leaves the windows open all day anyway, despite the risks (have had to deter the odd "visitor" a couple of times).
Re: Wasps' nest.
Watch out for the ads on TV from drama-queen Duncan on the vents issue.
Frequent poster
Re: Duncan
Yeah, don't you love Duncan? Hey, he's just fronting for the DoE or whoever put out the tender for those ads. I'm sure Duncan's production company would have been in a good positon to tender.
Very frequent poster
Re: Wasps' nest.
My own house was built (in 1897) without any vents save for the fireplaces
Some houses of this era have vents under floor level.
Local user
Re: Wasps nest in garden.
Speaking of vents, I am about to start building a house and will be installing a heat-recovery ventilation system. Does anyone know if the vents will still need to be built in?
Frequent poster
Re: Wasps nest in garden.
>>Some houses of this era have vents under floor level
Thanks ajapale. Not mine, unfortunately. But there don't seem to be any problems. (Mind you the gappy floorboards mean that ventilation under floor level is more or less the same as above).