Was the N7 third lane the biggest waste of money ever?

Ceist Beag

Registered User
Following on from the climbing lane discussion, I'm beginning to think that the third lane in the N7 was just a waste of money as 90% of the cars on this road don't seem to want to use it! Most cars, if not overtaking on the outermost lane are sitting pretty in the middle lane, as if they are afraid to get into the leftmost lane! What's with that? I usually have the leftmost lane all to myself so at least I'm getting good value for money from it!
i think its great, i can make it up to the city and home much quicker. even if i just plod along in the middle lane and never move i'm still quicker.

the left lane should be used mainly by HGV's, the middle lane by normal traffic and the outside lane by those overtaking ( or who think own the road )
But surely the idea of what lane to use should follow the same logic as for a dual carriageway in that you stay in the leftmost lane unless you are overtaking? And then you use the third lane if you are overtaking both the leftmost and the middle lanes? Or am I missing something?
no the middle lane is the main driving lane. it gives you the maxium escape routes in the event of an emergency ( left or right ).

The teachings are correct in that you must stay to the left, but progress in driving is also important and if you stay behind a HGV doing 80km in a 100KM you are not making the porgress you should. ( its an importnat part of the test, progress that is ).

the problem for me is those who stay in the outside lane while not making progress, ya know them. Just sitting beside the car in the oppisite lane and not passing out and when they have they refuse to move back into the middle lane or worse do not know that they are meant to move to the middle lane.

I am a driving instructor and its only when you look for bad driving on Irish roads that you are amazed how bad it is.

Forget blaming, the Garda, the Government, Gay Byrne. The driving in this country is a shambles, we learn to drive to pass the test and not for life.

I could rant for hours, but i won't, sorry

But Ron shouldn't you stay in the leftmost lane until you come up to a HGV and then simply overtake in the middle lane and then move back into the leftmost lane again?
no becuse you are not giving yourself maxium space to move in the event of an emergancy, sounds weird but its true. if your in the middle you can move left or right.

Also the 3 lane is new here so its hard for people to know. i great book is called road craft, if you read that cover to cover and do as it says you would be a much better driver ( not just you personally )
Well I got this from the Driving School of Ireland website (taken from their 2006 book) which seems to contradict you Ron!

Section 9:
Lane Discipline

The normal "keep left" rule applies. This means that you stay in the left hand lane unless you are overtaking. The outside lane is for overtaking only and a vehicle should move back into the inner lane when the overtaking manoeuvre is completed. In a three-lane carriageway you may stay in the centre lane while there is slower moving traffic on the inner lane; a goods vehicle with a design gross weight exceeding 3,500 kilograms, a passenger vehicle that has accommodation for more than 8 passengers or a vehicle drawing a trailer, horsebox, caravan etc should not use the right-hand lane of a carriageway next to the central median (the outside lane) except in exceptional circumstances when it is not possible to proceed in the inner lane due to an obstruction.
i don't agree with it and i am going on the high way code where 3 lane high ways are common and a 2006 book means nothing as the rules of the road here are currently being updated and will be out around sept.

i like the bit about slower traffic in the left lane, slower traffic, as in all HGV which by law should only go 55mph where as the speed limit is 60 and you are to stay as close to the speed limit as possilbe where safe.
i don't agree with it and i am going on the high way code where 3 lane high ways are common and a 2006 book means nothing as the rules of the road here are currently being updated and will be out around sept.


Current Draft of new rules..
They are inviting submissions from interested parties, Ron, if you want the center lane to be the driving lane.
It's eejits who sit in the centre lane cruising, oblivious to flows of traffic on inner and outer lanes who will cause accidents.

The comments above by the "driving instructor" just illustrate that as we begin to get a half decent primary road network, the NRA or whoever will have to start some sort of an advertising compaign to teach people how to drive on the new roads correctly.
don don't lose the head. one of the main problems is lane waving, if i'm in and out of the left lane passing trucks OR in the middle lane at a steady speed which is the least likely to cause an accident ????

also a problem in this country is that we teach people to drive to pass the test ( rubbish as it is ) but not for life.
don don't lose the head. one of the main problems is lane waving, if i'm in and out of the left lane passing trucks OR in the middle lane at a steady speed which is the least likely to cause an accident ????

No, no, no, no, no - I can't believe that people are being taught that this is the way to drive on a three lane carriage way. Regardless of the number of lanes a motorway has the left lane is always for driving, the lane next to it is for overtaking, the next lane is for cars overtaking that lane and so on and so forth. The rules apply regardless of the number of lanes. To advise people to stay in the middle lane to prevent them from weaving in and out of lanes as it is safer is rubbish and points to you not teaching them correctly in other areas. If they are in the left hand lane and keep a good distance from the vehicle in front, regardless of it's type and speed, regularly using their mirrors and signalling in plenty of time and pulling out in plenty of time, and then pulling back in again leaving plenty of space and indicating their intentions all the time then there is no danger. It is in fact safer. Lane discipline makes or breaks a motorway network. Germany is a prime example. They have no speed limit on a lot of their motorways (regardless of lane count) as everyone has good lane discipline. Over there they have right lane hoggers and they have fewer crashes because of it.

I seriously think you need to reevalute your teaching techniques and I beg you to reconsider your view on this for the safety and saneness of your fellow road users. This is a real bugbear of mine and the sooner people learn how to use the roads correctly the easier it will be for the rest of us and the less my better half will have to put up with me moaning.

I used this road yesterday for the first time and it was a joyful experience, smooth road, plenty of room, straight from Newlands Cross to Naas with a smile on my face. I've done this journey countless times and not once have I been smiling. Yesterday was like a breath of fresh air and an indication of what a decent road network can do. The only thing that spoilt it was people insisting on sitting in the middle lane! At times, following the rules of the road, I would be driving on the left hand lane only to come up to a car moving slower than I was in the middle lane. Thus to abide by the laws of the road I would have to cross over into the middle lane and then to the outside lane just to overtake the middle lane 'hogger'. To say that this is safer for me than your method is, in all due respect, idiotic.

Please Ron - have a think - I have the utmost respect for you and your profession - please don't tarnish this by teaching people that this is the correct way to use a motorway. I'm pleading with you.
I'm beginning to think that the third lane in the N7 was just a waste of money as 90% of the cars on this road don't seem to want to use it!

People said the same about the Athlone dual-carraigeway bypass when it was opened around 1990. A single-carraigeway bypass was opened around the same time in Navan and it was touted at the time as being better value for money. 15 or 16 years later the Athlone bypass is coping very well with the volume of traffic on it, while the Navan bypass is so congested it is a nightmare for everyone who uses it. When it comes to transport issues in this country, we seem to be unable to see beyond our collective nose...

ubiquitous my point was tongue in cheek as I was trying to point out the bad driving on this road, not complaining about the third lane! It annoys me that we have this lovely third lane and most eejits prefer not to use it!
if you are in the left lane going 100kph and you have someone in the middle lane doing 60kph can you pass them without moving lanes?
The only road I know of where it is legal to undertake is the M25 in London which is a unique stretch of road in itself and so normal rules of the road don't work well on it.

I would say undertaking is inherently dangerous due to the size of the blind spot of the car you are undertaking.
no you may overtake in the left lane when turning left or in traffic when the lane besie you is moving slower.
Maybe its time for the dept. of transport to broadcast public education/information clips on the teevee to put people right in driving matters-like they used to when I were a lad//
For you to even ask this question you must have a very short memory. Have you forgotten the backlog of traffic that was constantly around Johnstown? Stupid post!