I'm confused. Can you clarify how much you actually owe as it is very unclear from your posts. In this post you say your debts were 16.5k, but now you owe €11905. Then you say you have paid back 7k. Then in a later post you have paid back 11k? Are you saying you've paid debt back and then taken it out again, if so then its not debt repaid.
I was referring to how much i've paid since a thread I had a while ago and a how much i've paid in total.
Also you are asking advice on how to budget to afford these trips, yet you are refusing to give details like interest rates. Its really hard to see what you want people to say to you, and you do come accross as pretty rude to people who are freely giving advice. I say to you again I spent like a mad fool in my twenties, when I finally wised up it took me several years to get myself sorted, and man did I kick myself at getting into debt. And I had a very well paid job too! Still, it was a lesson well learnt, I enjoy having savings and no debt, it was worth the hard work. I pay cash for everything now. People here are trying to give you the benefit of their hard won experience, but maybe its something you need to learn for yourself.
Incidentally if you are interested in strategies to pay down your debt moneysavingexpert has some great tools and advice fora. I recommed the snowball debt calculator, its a real eye opener. Good luck.