Thanks PMU for that. Very helpful. Incidentally if he got Vodafone shares for the Eircell sale does he still hold any original Eircom shares or what happened to this portion of his original Eircom purchase.
He holds no Eircom shares. While this is open to correction, it is my understanding that in 2001 Eircom swapped some of its shares (i.e. its shareholders’ shares) for Eircel shares and then swapped these Eircel shares for Vodafone shares. So your son ended up with both Eircom and Vodafone shares. In November 2001 Valentia bought Eircom at EUR 1.335 per Eircom share; your son would have received a cash payment for his remaining Eircom shares at that stage, and your son, and the other original Eircom investors, would thereafter hold no Eircom shares.
He also would have received a cash payment in August 2006 of 0.15 GBP per share from Vodafone following the reorganizing of its capital structure.TFrom memory he got some sort of cash payment along the way?