VIBER iPhone App - any problems with it?


Registered User
I've had some weirdness on my phone lately - calls dropping randomly, inbound and outbound; people calling me, reporting they can hear the phone ringing, but no calls show on my phone; odd accumulations of "stickers" from unidentified senders to the VIBER app. I don't use this app and don't have it on my computer, so I deleted it and its associated files from my phone. I don't even know if VIBER exists as a desktop app

Seems to have worked, fewer instances of weirdness recently and no examples of unexplained "tech messing."

Has anyone else experienced this or similar with VIBER or other?

I use Viber on Android regularly. No issues, in recent times.

While I'm not a fan of the stickers, I find the service is generally good.

In particular, I like that I can forward something to multiple people a little easier then on What's App, given the later has restrictions on how many people you can forward something to etc.

A friend who works in tech, told me years ago, that Viber was a better system for calls, than What's App, but for the life of me, I can't recall why.
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