Health Insurance VHI through work, can I upgrade?


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Hi, the company that I work for provides VHI for myself and my two dependents(son and daughter).
At the moment I'm out on sick leave due to anxiety/burnout.
After a lot of searching I've sourced private therapy and it has started off well.

However the existing policy that I have appears to only give 30 euro back per session (up to 12 sessions I think).
I plan to do weekly sessions for the foreseeable future.

I also have regular titration appointments which have increased to 100 euro and I can claim half of that cost back.

is it possible that there's another plan that may provide enhanced coverage? If so can I upgrade my own cover and pay the difference? I don't want to lose any potential "extras" that are provided due to it being a company sponsored plan . Would I need to check with HR or VHI initially?

Any info appreciated. Thanks
Have a read of your policy VHI did not have waiting periods for upgraded outpatient cover for under 30’s I think the age is. Double check the age but I had similiar whereby one of mine needed therapy and we upgraded. All amendments would be done though VHI and then if there was a cost I would imagine that’s automatically done via payroll with instruction from VHI.

Also a point to consider VHI are actually good value for younger family members in terms of higher plans. They only charge full adult rates after 24 on a sliding scale albeit. I found that upgrading a child with extra needs policy ended up sometimes getting more back than the cost of the policy. It’s a bit laborious and phone times are apauling but worth the effort. I myself am with Laya but kept the younger ones with VHI for that reason.
Also to note in my company only certain plans are available with company discounts and they tended to be the less obscure ones however it was still worth my while finding the plan that was heavily weighted in terms of outpatients cover. My kid gets 75% of consultant, occupational therapy etc back however the policy has less inpatient hospital cover but has sufficient if we needed a procedure in a private hospital.

As a side note my kids are slagging me off here because of the extra space after the full stop I did know its not fashionable and not functional but its so engrained from learning to type in school ah well….
Thanks @Sue Ellen - ill reach out to both and good call out about day to day expenses, I got caught with that previously for dental stuff. Thank you
Thanks so much @Mommabearof3 !
Currently the therapy is for myself and it was 250 for initial session then it's 120 per session - and looks like I will only get 30 euro back per session.

My daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD through VHI paediatrics and she's at therapy there (OT Mental health) and tgeres a number of sessions covered.

My son has had mental health issues and previously attended pieta and then CAMHS. It might be worthwhile to see if I can improve his cover (he's 19) and what the options are.

On the policy I have there actually seems to be great cover for in-house care (I had looked at this for my son but then CAMHS accepted him as outpatient), but the therapy cover is really poor.

Also @Mommabearof3 - don't mind the pesky kids, the extra white space will never go out of style :) I love how kids spot everything though - eagle eyed haha :)