VAT Decrease

Probably not Purple but I do know that the large coffee and muffin chain I referred to in an earlier post confirmed to me that they rectified the rate on the day I contacted them so they clearly had the skills.

I also have no doubt that the restaurant I was in today, as a major multinational, is very likely to have the skills - but if I am wrong I'll be happy to clarify when I get their response.

I do think however that there is a huge inertia when it comes to paying for goods and services. Most, if not all, of us have taken a hit in our incomes in some way or other and have had to tighten our belts and the €5+ in excess "VAT" that I paid in the examples I quoted does matter to me. So if finding it unacceptable that a large organisation continues to indicate its VAT rate at 13.5% makes me one of the "idiots" you refer to in your post Purple I'll happily wear the badge :)

If things are that tight it might be worth skipping the coffee and muffin.