VAT Decrease


Registered User
Ok, I had my first experience at lunchtime when I went to get my hair chopped and the price was the same as last time. When I asked about abou the VAT decrease I got a shrug of the shoulders. Won't be going there again!

Is there a name and shame website when we can both compliment the businesses who pass on the cut but also name those that don't!!
Most businesses aren't going to pass this on. You only have to look at the attitude of the AAM poster who is getting married where the hotel are refusing to pass on the reduction to see the prevailing attitude out there.

This reduction will be reversed in the next budget IMO, just like the reduction from 21% to 20% was reversed very shortly afterwards.
I was stood behind a person in a shop this morning who was querying the prices of his takeaway food, the manager came over and said they would only be reduced when they restock the items as the shop had already paid the higher rate for the produce!

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow so will see what they charge, if they don't reduce the price, like you I will be looking elsewhere.

The problem with things like Hotels is that they offer so many differing rates depending on when/how or who you book through for the same room it would be hard to know for sure if they had passed on the cut unless you had an exact copy of a booking from yesterday to compare it to.

I just checked our local cinema who have reduced their prices.
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Am I right in calculating that for something (like a haircut) that cost €10, should now only cost approx €9.60 after the decrease is applied?
I was stood behind a person in a shop this morning who was querying the prices of his takeaway food, the manager came over and said they would only be reduced when they restock the items as the shop had already paid the higher rate for the produce!

Well that manager is a moron, at best!

The reduction in the VAT rate has no bearing on the net cost to the shop, and that's without getting into the fact that the vast vast majority of food items are zero-rated purchases for the shop anyway.
Am I right in calculating that for something (like a haircut) that cost €10, should now only cost approx €9.60 after the decrease is applied?

Yes, and that is unlikely to happen IMO. It's just too fiddly.
I must check out the local indian restaurant where I get my take-away from. The mains are normally around the €10 mark.

Does the decrease apply to theatre tickets?
I was checking out tickets for an upcoming play and they are priced at 25, 30 and 35. If the decrease is applied the should be approx 24, 29 and 34.
Will the prices change.
I must check out the local indian restaurant where I get my take-away from. The mains are normally around the €10 mark.

Does the decrease apply to theatre tickets?
I was checking out tickets for an upcoming play and they are priced at 25, 30 and 35. If the decrease is applied the should be approx 24, 29 and 34.
Will the prices change.

Theatre tickets are supposed to be reduced. Maybe they just haven't updated their systems. I would ring and ask. has all the details of what is included

DB74 said:
Well that manager is a moron, at best!

I agree, I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't had a change of mind since this morning if enough queried it
I don't think that most of the shops are going to lower their current price by 3.96% just to give the public the VAT rate reduction.

As for consumers the prices are displayed including VAT, so they are just going to leave everything as it is, pocket the increased net amount and pay less to the taxman.

The cost of printing new menus, price tables and displays is just to great to cope with this.

In the US for example the shops have the prices without tax which are added at check-out, in that case the decreased sales tax would benefit the consumer, but in our little country where the price displayed is the end price to the consumer it's just not going to go into your pocket.

Or has anybody found any shop that acutualy went there and cut their prices?
I don't think that most of the shops are going to lower their current price by 3.96% just to give the public the VAT rate reduction.

As for consumers the prices are displayed including VAT, so they are just going to leave everything as it is, pocket the increased net amount and pay less to the taxman.

The cost of printing new menus, price tables and displays is just to great to cope with this.

In the US for example the shops have the prices without tax which are added at check-out, in that case the decreased sales tax would benefit the consumer, but in our little country where the price displayed is the end price to the consumer it's just not going to go into your pocket.

Or has anybody found any shop that acutualy went there and cut their prices?

Doesn't seem to stop them changing menus, price tables and displays when VAT goes up. A colleague bought a takeaway coffee in an Irish coffee shop at lunchtime and the price hadn't changed but apparently the place a few doors down (A large multinational coffee shop) had and advertised the fact.

I only buy papers on sundays, sunday independent or business post. hopefully price will be down from 2.70 to 2.60
The only way it will work is people power. If your local hairdresser, restaurant or sunday paper you buy do not pass on the decrease, boycott them.
just out of curiousity did anyone notice any price increases in the last few weeks just so a fake vat reduction could be advertised by retailer

those of you who have gone to the tall ships in waterford have you seen any reductions?
I notice that MacDonald's have dropped their prices. That's fine but they all odd prices now. My Happy Meal and Big-Mac meal cost €10.05 and it killed me to break a €20!
There is a "name and shame" thread over on boards - I spotted it today.

My local takeaway hasn't changed their prices...
Omniplex chain of cinemas cut their tickets prices,

I saw a good point that if you've paid deposits and booked different things for your wedding, be sure to insist to get your bill recalculated.
Or you can say nothing and just pay the correct amount at the end.
But just mind you don't pay too much
Is there any get out clause that a hotel can use with regard avoiding a vat decrease? Getting married myself in a few months so any penny pinching is greatly appreciated!
My flatmate is getting married and has paid a deposit.

When asked about the final bill due to come they said they will not be changing it.

They said their price is their price, ie a price for the room is a price for the room.

Their excuse for not reducing it was 'We dont increase our prices when VAT goes up' (absolute Tosh id say)
This is a laugh!

Yet more tinkering by FF/FG that will cause more problems than it solves.
Now we have talk of people boycotting businesses in this thread :D

Looking forward to the next hair brained scheme.