I just received a quote from a broker (they were involved in setting up my company's pensin with Zurich).
Initially they wanted a zoom meeting, which I declined. Told them I prefer to communicate by email.
Explained what Standard Life Investment fund(s) I wanted and as per GSheehy post above, told them I want an exection only service. Asked for total charges for a €200p/m contribution.
He got back to say they typically charge €199 fee (but will waive this given my connection to the company pension scheme they halped set up... )
Overall account fees for a policy of this type would be:
(1) Allocation rate of 99% (1% Government levy is deducted).
(2) Standard Life management fee of 1.5% per annum.
Is this good value? 1.5% managemrnt fee for a passively managed index seems high in my opinion.
One of the funds I specified was the Standard Life Vanguard Global Index Fund.
As per their own documentation theie Annual Management Charge is 0.95%.
It's page two on the document ini the link above (it won't let me copy and paste".
Why the difference? I will ask him this question myself but would like some input before I query him..