Value Investor in Dublin

What to buy if not individual stocks?...
Buy value tilted ETFs
Buy value oriented foreign funds - critical thing to look for is a fund that is unconstrained (i.e. not compelled to own equities all the time)
You are right though - not many of these funds around
Buy the constrained version here (i.e. long only value equity fund) and mix up portfolio with some absolute return, real assets, fixed income and cash.
By all means buy individual stocks, but only with 5% of your overall portfolio - and any good results chalk down to luck moreso than the end of the day, even a large part of the performance from the 'professionals' is luck.

I think you stir this thread off course. This thread if for those people who are active investors. I myself want to learn how to be a sophisticated investor. Fund managers doesn't care if they loss your money.

Facts: Mutual fund managers get rich at your expense-stealing as much as 60% or more or your returns over your lifetime through fee

Facts The average individual will need more than 3 million to be financially independent in retirement in twenty years, and won't get there with mutual funds. Not even Close

Fact: 96% of fund managers can't equal the historical market average return of 8 percent per annum. When the market goes down, they go down with it, no matter how "low-risk" their fund are supposed to be.

I have experienced this with our mutual fund in the recent crash and the best reply you can get from your sales man, so called financial advisor...sorry about your can buy more now because its cheap. From that loss We learned nothing, just like that hard earned money chop into half. So I'm learning now...and I have to learn it the hard way.
Any other way of value investing except for buying individual stocks?

Just as WB says: Buy a Business not a stock: Look at stocks as Business.
Value investor invest in business and businesses they want to own in part.
Value Investment

Given the importance of diversification and that Ireland is about 1% of the Global Market
What sort of a balanced portfolio should be aimed for from Ireland?
Shurely less than 10% in Ireland and
at least 10% in US
Are we living in the wrong place and
then there are the tax issues

Hope this gets this thread going again
Look for companies that you know best and have meaning for you. The 10/10 rule. You hold this company for the next 10 years or drop it in the next 10 minutes.

Go for Management with credibility and results oriented.

Buy companies with great Moat or Great competitive advantage

With Margin of Safety

And what is the story behind the company. Why do you want to own it? If you are the owner what will you do to enhance your company?
Value Investing

Hello Panitanfc,

Just newly registered here. This is the first time i've seen this page. I was looking for value investing seminar here in Dublin and I bump into this thread. I agree to you Panitanfc. I have read already most of the book you posted here about value investing. As of the moment I'm finishing the 6th edition of security analysis. I been looking for people here in dublin who do value investing like Warren Buffett ways too. I'm willing to join for any meet up group idea sharing. As of the moment I do stock investing in Philippine stock cause its cheaper.

Anyway, enough for that, I just want introduce myself as one of Value Investor in Buffett way living here in Dublin.
Welcome Rule No. 1

That is the main intention of this thread to have a common thread for VI's we hope that this group and grow and share their ideas and insights.

How long have you been investing in your country? Have you try investing here or in the US?
Hi panitanfc,

I didn't activate yet my broker account in the U.S., since I'm really trying hard to follow the rules of V.I., lots of patience when I can't see a wonderful business. I can't forget one of the W. Buffett quotes .." you profit when you buy, not when you sell". By the way, have you seen the book "23 winning investment habits of W.Buffett and G. Soros"? It helps me organize my psychological being in stock investing.

Thanks a Million!
[". By the way, have you seen the book "23 winning investment habits of W.Buffett and G. Soros"? It helps me organize my psychological being in stock investing.

No...Just to many books to read at the moment.