user/nick-names on AAM


..and I had pictured you as some sort of lothario frequenting all the seedier nite spots ;)
Not mutually exclusive with being a curmudgeonly (is there any other kind? :confused: ) member of Bohemian FC you know. ;)
I chose mine from a t-shirt I had as a kid. My Dad brought me a tshirt from I think New York and it was stripey with foxy lady written all over it, I always thought it was cool.
Mine is because my favourite colour is blue and I love shoes have like a million pairs hence blue shoes!!

kinda stupid i know!!
I chose mine from a t-shirt I had as a kid. My Dad brought me a tshirt from I think New York and it was stripey with foxy lady written all over it, I always thought it was cool.

Yeah,but what did the other boys think
Mine is a variant on what had become my usual alias for discussion forums. On one forum the Admin started messing with my name and changing it to silly variations....for some reason, when he got to "Bubbly Scot" we never got around to changing it back. It sort of stuck.

..and I had pictured you as some sort of lothario frequenting all the seedier nite spots ;)
But then if he was he probably wouldn't be spending his time doing intelligent things like helping AAMers! rather that drinking himself to liver failure :p
My name was chosen as its easy to type in. I'd hate to waste valuable milliseconds of my life typing in extra letters, searching for underscores and numbers ;)
I made it nice and easy and used a nickname some friends concocted in Canada, and then had it used here (Croatia) as part of my id stuff (official) - first two letters from name and surname. I'm just gald my name isn't Arthur Seddon! (This is the actual name of a guy I met in Zagreb, I didn't ask about his id).
Worked with a guy who used it as a username for some web design stuff & liked it so can't claim any originality here am afraid!
I changed the title to 'Dr' because one or two online acquaintances developed a tendency to mispronounce the original.

I thought it was the Sherlock Holms character
Mozart is my favourite composer but I hate typing the letter "z" on the keyboard, I think it's one of the most awkward letters to type. The number 3 looks close to the German letter z so I always substitute it and it's easier to type.....

I am such a saddo.
I never learned to touch type (in spite of the best efforts of a former senior colleague of mine in a job years ago who believed that all programmers should learn) so I type 'z' with my ring finger and use my little finger for Ctrl/Shift/Tab etc. and don't find it problematic to access it.