US Presidential Election 2024

The problem for the Democrats was that all the other candidates in 2020 were too "progressive " and too Liberal therefore unelectable, biden was chosen as he was the only candidate who could beat trump and would also attract right wing voters that hated trump. That's still the case today, biden is old but he has a very competent team behind him like Anthony blinken and Jake sullivan, blinken is probably the most high profile secretary of state since kissinger
Not sure how the Democrats are surprised by this, Bidens cognitive decline is an old story going back years and yet here they are boxed into a corner.

Even if they wanted to substitute in another candidate they can't.
The $91.2 million collected by the Biden-Harris ticket as of May 31 is not transferrable to any other candidate, according to Federal Election Commission rules.

Harris is widely considered, by even those die hard dems, to be the worst VP in American history. Her Husband would probably vote for Trump.
Biden has to be confirmed at the Democratic convention. If he withdrew then, in effect, it would turn into a mini election so someone else can be nominated.

Funds already raised can be transferred to the local or national party if required under FEC rules
In 2020 Joe was the only Democrat who could beat Trump. In 2024 he is the only Democrat who could lose to him.
Look at the other candidates in 2020, they were unelectable, you don't like biden fair enough but he still has a formidable record in the house of representatives, he managed after all the delays to get republicans finally to vote through the Ukraine aid Bill in April, this had been pivotal in halting putin in Ukraine whereas trump is putins last hope. If biden is re elected putin will know the game is finally up for his special operation.
Isn't it a bit mad that one candidate who is a convicted felon, is accused of what amounts to insurrection, had classified files littered all around his home, is going to hang Ukraine out to dry, courts Kim and Putin, will never stand aside.

But the other candidate who seemed a bit sleepy - may be ditched by his own side for fumbling a few answers.

Which one would be more dangerous in power?
I see one wag suggested that if they want Joe to resign just put it on a teleprompter.

I do fear Biden is a bit more then sleepy. He's also had a classified document issue and has a criminal in his family. Most Americans don't care about Ukraine in the same way most Europeans don't care about what is happening in Sudan or Yemen or Myanmar or about what was happening in Central America in the 80s and 90s. For Americans and their love of the military, Trump getting out of the Middle East was a big positive. Their soldiers have stopped being killed.

Not a Trump fan BTW, just saying it as I see it.

Worth keeping a very close eye on the House and Senate elections, if the Democrats hold both, how long before they try and impeach Trump again?.
Bidens position is now untenable, he may be digging his heels in and giving the old not for moving shtick.....

One more senior moment while performing away from a teleprompter will see him hooshed towards the exit so fast his feet won't touch the ground.

He has a few solo performances in the near horizon, all eyes on Biden.
Most Americans don't care about Ukraine
I think this is absolutely right. Everyone knows how this war will end - with a stalemate and Putin holding on to most of his gains. The problem is how can the US and Europe accept that without it looking like Putin won. The Donald accepting the reality could be positioned as not a climb down and folk would buy his line that he is a hard man who Putin and Xi are afraid off.
I saw a clip of him in his golf buggie turning his guns on Kamala. His line was "imagine Xi or Putin facing her". Mysoginist and racist for sure, but it kinda strikes a chord.
The Donald also says that he supports Israel continuing its war until Hamas are eliminated. I would think he wins hands down on foreign policy with the American public.
Worth keeping a very close eye on the House and Senate elections, if the Democrats hold both, how long before they try and impeach Trump again?.
Republicans well odds on to win the Senate.