You mean that the state pension will be denied to people with private pension above a certain level even if they paid PRSI all their working lives.
You mean that the state pension will be denied to people with private pension above a certain level even if they paid PRSI all their working lives.
I don't believe any government will ever again take on the prsi paying paye taxpayer I am old enough to remember what started the tax marches back in 1982
when the government of the day increased prsi from around 15% to 19.1% it was payable on all low income then ,If any of you are old enough to remember this is why tax prsi relief on income tax was brought in to try get prsi paying taxpayers back on side.
another reason why they will never ever be able to touch paye paying taxpayers prsi pension is because in 1995 when they brought in the new public service pension the deal that was struck between unions and goverment was the government makes up the shortfall between the prsi pension and 50 %of final salary if they had full service
We in the private sector have a lot to thank the public sector for ,
no way would they be able to take it off one group paying the same prsi just because one is a private pension not a hope in hell of any government trying that one on they know who they will be dealing with they still have nightmares from 1982 they main parties never fully recovered since prsi workers took to the streets back in 1982,
It was the start of the floating Vote all of the main parties are now chasing,
The main parties have two sets of core supporters one set vote them in and pay the most tax high earners and people with unearned income they then take there tax and feed it to there other core group/supporters who want to pay for nothing,
The people who brought in the changes were paying less than 2% prsi under another prsi band in 1982 and were still paying 2% until the USC came in 2012/13
I just checked prsi rates for 1982 went from 14.8% to 19.1% of paye income/payroll in the private sector