mmmm this is really difficult... you are at a time where you should only be dealing with your daughters illness rather than having to deal with some bully at your door.... i was harrassed by a bully once on my phone and i marched up to the police station and the police called her there and then and told her never to call my phone again... the girl never did...
im suprised they are not trying to protect you and your daughter because effectively this is effecting her too!... if it was me i would prob not move so far because you may have a good relationship with the hospital,i would maybe move closer to the hosipital as to make life easier and i would choose somewhere where there was alot of security!
does the other woman have kids too? she will have to look after them if you do move even if it is across town.... there has to be a way you can put some distance between you and her.... it may be better to be on your own and away from all friends for a while so no one can pass the number around,maybe if anyone wants to contact you they could go through your partner or bebo or something?if you have a few bob coming you might be able to make this move...
also the hosipital should have some support network for you with regard to councelling and stress relief with your may help to get this off your chest by talking to someone... your partner could support you a bit more too,maybe you could move out first on your own to get some space ...
i know its really hard because you are exhausted and numb at this stage that your strength is knocked.... but see this situation working out and keep picturing her further and further away from your life....she only has power over you if you allow your thoughts about it to take you over... see her for the bully she is and feel your strength and picture your needs working out with you and your daughter im sending the angels to watch over you! let us know how you get on xxx