Unions warn against ESB sale

This is like discussing evolution with a creationist; you have a preconception based on a dogma (socialism). It seems in your view the more socialist someone is the more right they are.

Despite the view held by the union that what their member was doing was wrong they continued to represent him and would have continued that support all the way to industrial action if necessary. So much for principles. I am sure that the two people I know about weren’t the only employees of the ESB that behaved in this way.

By the way, the person involved was a union rep; as long as he didn't cause any trouble the management were happy to let him be. Oh, and the matter was referred to the internal industrial council but not the labour court.

I agree that the management in the ESB is a joke; they have allowed the union tail to wag the dog for decades.
Maybe it's time to get the Organisation for the Maintenance of Supplies up and running again just in case.

It appears to me that the Union endeavoured to persuade two extremely stubborn employees to re-train and re-deploy as they were surely aware that given the details you outlined if management took their case to the Labour Court then the recommendation to re-train and re-deploy would surely have issued and let me say that I believe the Labour Court would have been quite justified in reaching such a conclusion.

Nor do I think that any Union would take industrial action in support of these two employees.

The fact that management unbelievably bottled matters meant that the union really did'nt have to take any further action particularly as the internal industrial council obviously did not find against the employees.

Total management failure.