Uninsured Foreign Cars

My friend was unfortunate enough to be in two accidents one a hit and run and second a drunken driver (what luck)
Hit and run was irish reg car with insurance. Took nearly 2 years to pay up.
Drunken Driver was foreign reg car with NO insurance. Motor Insurance Bureau Of Ireland paid up promptly. No problem.
The Gardai do take these uninsured cars at checkponts. But how often do you see these really. Shortage of manpower to begin with and total mismanagement of the manpower they do have.
A LT/PO car was coming towards me last week and the road I/he was approaching narrowed to just enough for two cars to pass, i slowed down but my LT/PO (couldn't see reg, he was going to fast!) passed me at 60/70mph, just missing me:mad:. I was doing nothing wrong and if he hit me, i wouldn't like to find out how long it would take to get my car fixed.

Anyway found this on youtube, must be a eastern european driving test!

The only reason I rang the confidential number is because I really did think the driver of the car was driving dangerously, firstly by pulling out in front of me, secondly by tailgating the other car, thirdly by trying ( probably a he )his damnest to force the other out of his way, and lastly because it was obvious he didnt give a damn about anybody else on the road that morning.

Yes, but you didn't follow through. No point coming on here complaining about it if you did take the chance to actually act at the time.
It can't have been both - which was it?

A LT/PO car was coming towards me last week and the road I/he was approaching narrowed to just enough for two cars to pass, i slowed down but my LT/PO (couldn't see reg, he was going to fast!) passed me at 60/70mph, just missing me:mad:. I was doing nothing wrong and if he hit me, i wouldn't like to find out how long it would take to get my car fixed.

added: I knew it was a eastern european car, as i could see the style of writing on the plate but i couldn't see the LT/PO part on the plate, besides i was more worried about trying to get my car as far left as possible, as i thought he was going to hit me!
From boards, seems logical to me:
Any imported vehicle which is owned by or registered in the name of a non-resident person is not required to be registered in Ireland subject to the following conditions :

* The vehicle must have been acquired with all the appropriate taxes paid and these must not have been exempted or refunded in any way. The standard registration plates in use in the domestic market of a country are normally accepted as evidence of this.
* The vehicle may not in any circumstances be driven by a State resident.
* The vehicle may not be disposed of or hired out in the State or lent to a State resident.
* The period of time that the vehicle is in the State does not exceed 12 months.
* The 12 months time limit will not apply where a person is on a task of definite duration in the State.

3. What is meant by "State resident" and "non-resident" ?

A "State resident" is a person whose normal residence is in the Republic of Ireland and a "non-resident" is anyone whose normal residence is outside this State. "Normal residence" means the place where a person usually lives (for at least 185 days each year) because of personal or occupational ties.

If a person's occupational ties are in a different country from his/her personal ties, then the country of personal ties is taken as the normal residence provided the person returns there regularly.
A LT/PO car was coming towards me last week and the road I/he was approaching narrowed to just enough for two cars to pass, i slowed down but my LT/PO (couldn't see reg, he was going to fast!) passed me at 60/70mph, just missing me:mad:.

and Irish drivers are so great?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get the feeling a lot of people are being tarred with the same brush in this thread. Let's talk about uninsured or dangerous drivers, rather than about "LT/PO" drivers or foreigners in general.
and Irish drivers are so great?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, I understand what your saying, but I pass this particular stretch of road around 4 times a day on average in the last 2 years, and this is the first time I’ve seen this level of dangerous driving and total disregard for another driver coming towards you. I’m not saying all eastern European drivers are like this, I’m also not saying that all Irish drivers are saints, it’s just my experience.
RDJ: You are correct of course. I didnt follow up because the person I was talking to was even less interested in following through than I was and the fact that I had given him the reg numbr of a car which was being driven dangerously had absolutely no effect on him whatsoever. I asked him would it be possible to 'keep an eye out for it situation' and in doing so see if it it was still being driven in this fashion. answer: absolutely not. So no I didnt bother. and neither did the people being paid to bother.