Unhygienic food in supermarkets

So there is definitely no chance of someone snnezing, hair falling in, bugs dropping into the mix etc?? My point really is that people generally operate under 'ignorance is bliss' when it comes to food - myself included. I know times have changed, but my Dad worked in a bakery many moons ago and they made the nicest bread, but he had plenty of rodent related stories that would turn your stomach.

Ah of course there is a chance, there is always a chance. But certainly from my bakery working days, the chance was far far higher that the food was being contaminated after it left the relatively sterile environment where it was produced.
Purple makes a very good point regarding money. People handle it so much without ever thinking about what might be on it and washing their hands before eating.
Anyway to add to the story I have to say that if this bothers people so much then why are you not complaining to management of the shops. I'll give you a story from a couple of years ago. My local Supervalue had a similar stand of deserts and I regularly saw people picking up unpacked stuff, sticking their nose at it and then putting it back, or kids taking little bites. I asked to speak to the manager and was told he wasn't available until the following day. That suited me perfectly as I knew that on the Friday afternoon the place would be full of shoppers doing their weekend shop.
Anyway, I went in, called over the manager and made an almighty scene over the hygiene of the unpacked food and called over random people to ask their opinion, which attracted a crowd. Went back a few days later and they had replaced the table to be much higher out of reach of young kids and all the food was now in either paper or plastic wrapping.
You need to complain in a very public way and ideally in numbers, otherwise nothing will change.

There's a lovely shop near my mother's which sells beautiful looking bread and cakes. My mother has been asking them for years not to display it unwrapped as there is no way she will buy stuff that other customers have been mauling and coughing over. Only recently have they listened to her. I think you need a volume of complaints for shops to listen and start displaying their goods more hygienically.
I know, in reality, we haven't a clue what goes on behind the scenes in restaurants or even in friends' houses when we go over for dinner. But it's the fact that I can actually see people handling the goods, sneezing etc that is off putting.
there's a coffee shop near me which also sells breads and cakes. some of the the breads are on top of a glass display unit at almost mouth level for customers. customers are constantly breathing, sneezing and dropping money over the breads. I wouldn't get something from there if it was free.
there's a coffee shop near me which also sells breads and cakes. some of the the breads are on top of a glass display unit at almost mouth level for customers. customers are constantly breathing, sneezing and dropping money over the breads. I wouldn't get something from there if it was free.
Agreed, I couldnt bear to buy stuff left out like this, having been pawed, sneezed on etc. Ugh.
Insomnia in Donnybrook have their scones/muffins covered with a cellophane sheet to protect them from coughs sneezes etc. Yet in practically every other Insomnia outlet this is not the case. I don't know if this is the branch manager showing a bit of initiative or concern in this outlet but it is highly commended.
Although, the cellophane sheet is exactly the right size for the basket that it is covering. Methinks the other outlets are supposed to do this but don't bother.