OK - You need to prioritise your problems.
1. You are overdrawn, on an unauthorised overdraft - you need to sort out a temporary overdraft asap - don't worry about how you feel talking to the bank - banks do this kind of thing everyday and are more than happy to charge you for the service. Ideally you want an overdraft to the amount of your expected wages due from your previous job. But whatever the amount, you need to sort out having enough money between now and January. If it is too late today then call them tomorrow and get it sorted - go to your branch in person if possible
2. You have an issue of late payment from your previous employer - you should write to them immediately stating that you expect payment as contracted asap and that you expect any costs and / or fees incurred by you as a result of their non payment to be refunded upon production of reciepts.
Don't get upset or lose the plot with anyone as this won't help your case with the bank or your employer - be calm but assertive, have all your facts straight and get names, agreed deadlines and senior contact details from everyone you talk to. If you do that it will work out ok.
1. You are overdrawn, on an unauthorised overdraft - you need to sort out a temporary overdraft asap - don't worry about how you feel talking to the bank - banks do this kind of thing everyday and are more than happy to charge you for the service. Ideally you want an overdraft to the amount of your expected wages due from your previous job. But whatever the amount, you need to sort out having enough money between now and January. If it is too late today then call them tomorrow and get it sorted - go to your branch in person if possible
2. You have an issue of late payment from your previous employer - you should write to them immediately stating that you expect payment as contracted asap and that you expect any costs and / or fees incurred by you as a result of their non payment to be refunded upon production of reciepts.
Don't get upset or lose the plot with anyone as this won't help your case with the bank or your employer - be calm but assertive, have all your facts straight and get names, agreed deadlines and senior contact details from everyone you talk to. If you do that it will work out ok.