Unable to return an opened item to Very.ie - What are my options?

Just return it, the customer service rep is mistaken.
Well according to the CAI, he isn't and retailers don't have to accept returns of goods if you just change your mind after the purchase
There might be differences to this when it when it comes to online retailers but in the general they are not legally obliged to accept returns for unwanted purchases or goods mistakenly bought


Another way to look at this is to ask yourself if you bought something and you notice that the packaging has been opened or the security seal broken would you be happy
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The law doesn't distinguish between either though. So should I be able to return the jumper after wearing it for 2 weeks ?
The 14 day cooling off period is to allow you replicate a store visit where you would be able to try on the jumper or view the quality of the monitor.

It must be returned in a saleable condition including packaging.