How does one quantify the stress/lost opportunity etc. which has been caused by this UB debacle? I transferred money to my daughters account last week, so that she could purchase stuff for her children for the next school year (clothes, shoes etc.) while the sales were on. No money has arrived to her account, she is on the breadline with a Negative Equity mortgage, lost her Medical card (through the vetting process, even though she's got zilch). This is a very minor result of the UB debacle to lots of people, but not my daughter whom I had informed that the money had transferred to her (naturally, I thought once it's gone from my account, it'll be in hers in 2 days or so!). They still have not updated my cheque lodgements (from the Government, no less!!!!) - yet all my outgoings are totally up to date. Is it possible to forgive the bank and keep with them? Am I too lazy to do anything about it? What is the alternative? Who wants to be with the other rancid banks in Ireland?