An appeal sounds worthwhile as the cost difference is significant. I didn’t do this so can’t offer a advice.Hi
I was turned down for class 2 and asked if I wish to apply for class 3 instead unsure if the suggestion was I would get class 3. Yes got NI number for week in UK 1987. Yes paying NICs all the time. Was self-employed ie SC60s first eight Years and accounts submitted each year and PAYE final 2 years. Luckily I have all past uk employers details & dates, all past uk living addresses with dates, some tax receipts, PAYE P45 and P 60.. I will just throw the kitchen sink at it I.e paperwork
This is just an idea but in your original application did you include the words “I worked up until the point that I left the UK”. With the volume of cases being processed I wouldn’t be surprised if the admin teams are under pressure to work through the backlog and may just accep that statement without verification.