Key Post UK State Pension - Make voluntary contributions to qualify for UK pension on top of Irish pension

I know.
As the man on the phone said, he wasn't sure what some of the questions meant, or maybe what the answers should be.
and he didn't sound like a newcomer to the job.
Hopefully I will find out soon.
Got my letter today, having applied on 06.06.2023. I worked from 1987-1994 but they gave me 10 qualifying years. I can add years from 2006-2024 for €3,500. Very happy with that. The letter outlines payment methods, but there is no 18 digit reference number, which they say is required to make the payment.
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Hi all,
I’ve read through this really useful thread but have hit a wall. My history is that I worked in the U.K. from 2002 - 2004, just over two years in total. However, it spans three tax years.

So I registered with the UK government gateway portal and was able to access my my pension forecast and National insurance record. My national insurance records showed I had (by 2023):
  • 6 years of full contributions
  • 17 years to contribute before 5 April 2039
  • 17 years when you did not contribute enough
And it lists 2002/03, 2003/04, and 2004/05 as full years. I must have also received the 3 years credit to make up 6 years. So far so good. I sent in my CF83 form and cover letter in May 2023 on this basis, assuming I’d qualify for class 2 contributions.

I received my response by post today (letter dated 7th March 2024). Disappointedly, the letter I states I do not meet the conditions needed. I’m assuming it’s on the last point i.e enough national insurance contributions qualifying earnings factors for three years since 6 April 1975.

I’m at a loss, as this contradicts my national insurance record on the HMRC portal, which gives the option to buy default class 3 contributions since 2006!

Has anyone else had a similar scenario? IMG_7671.jpeg
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What can I say? HUGE thank you @DannyBoyD and all the other contributors here and on the other threads.

I got my reply this morning and to my surprise my application to pay class 2 has been accepted fully.

To say I am surprised is an understatement: I was a student in the UK just before I left and came back to Ireland to continue my studies. I only started working a few years later. So I applied to pay class 2 for at least the years I was working here.

It turns out I can buy back all the years @ class 2. Just in case I got the letter in triplicate (3 envelopes).

Next step is to call them. Any idea how I can call the UK without spending too much? I don't have a landline. My GoMo is ~25c per minute. Most other networks have similar charges. Tescomobile is 4c, but I have to spend €15 for the SIM, top up and it stops after 28 days if I don't renew. Lycamobile is my last hope... Has anyone tried any apps like mytello or tuoolani?
What can I say? HUGE thank you @DannyBoyD and all the other contributors here and on the other threads.

I got my reply this morning and to my surprise my application to pay class 2 has been accepted fully.

To say I am surprised is an understatement: I was a student in the UK just before I left and came back to Ireland to continue my studies. I only started working a few years later. So I applied to pay class 2 for at least the years I was working here.

It turns out I can buy back all the years @ class 2. Just in case I got the letter in triplicate (3 envelopes).

Next step is to call them. Any idea how I can call the UK without spending too much? I don't have a landline. My GoMo is ~25c per minute. Most other networks have similar charges. Tescomobile is 4c, but I have to spend €15 for the SIM, top up and it stops after 28 days if I don't renew. Lycamobile is my last hope... Has anyone tried any apps like mytello or tuoolani?
Congratulations! That's great news for you. I've used Mytello for my calls to HMRC. Sound quality is not always as good as a normal call, but it works & its a fraction of the cost.
Got my letter today, having applied on 06.06.2023. I worked from 1987-1994 but they gave me 10 qualifying years. I can add years from 2006-2024 for €3,500. Very happy with that. The letter outlines payment methods, but there is no 18 digit reference number, which they say is required to make the payment.
Hey, I made this mistake when trying to set up a payment from my bank account yesterday. You do not need the 18 digit reference number if you are paying from overseas. Read the information on the website again and make sure you are reading about overseas payments. I've copied what it states on the HM Revenue website below for you -

Overseas payments​

Use the following details to make a payment if your account is overseas:

  • account number (IBAN) - GB49 BARC 2020 4830 9447 93
  • Bank Identifier Code (BIC) - BARCGB22
  • account name - HMRC NIC receipts

Reference number​

Use your National Insurance number followed by ‘IC’, your surname then your initial. If your bank limits you to a certain amount of characters, you should use your National Insurance number followed by ‘IC’ and as much of your surname as possible.

If your name is Anne Jones, you’d write the reference as QQ123456AICJONESA
Thank you, I’ll give that a go.

I have another question, do I do the transfer in euros, using the exchange rate on the day or can transactions be done in GBP?
Thank you, I’ll give that a go.

I have another question, do I do the transfer in euros, using the exchange rate on the day or can transactions be done in GBP?
I sent it in GBP from an AIB branch. I also paid their bank charges which were about 7 euros.
Can I ask if anyone knows if the following scenario qualifies, as when I log into HMRC portal it says I've 3 full year contributions.

Worked in the UK for mainly summer periods over 3 years. Was a student so worked for 4 months, 6months and 4 months in consecutive years. Do you have to have worked for full calendar years or does this still qualify?

Also, like a lot of lads I mainly worked on building sites. I remember getting a form, SC60 from each sub contractor I worked for. If anyone knows from dealing with them if this was self employment or employment that would be helpful as well. I recall getting tax back when going back to college each year.

Any guidance appreciated.
Any idea how I can call the UK without spending too much? I don't have a landline. My GoMo is ~25c per minute. Most other networks have similar charges. Tescomobile is 4c, but I have to spend €15 for the SIM, top up and it stops after 28 days if I don't renew. Lycamobile is my last hope... Has anyone tried any apps like mytello or tuoolani?
I use an app called Yolla to call friends and family in the UK all the time. For the most part I have found it quite good.
No point in wondering - fill in the form and submit it. Let HMRC decide!
That's a given! I was asking if anyone one here may know or have experience with a similar criteria before doing so. Lets give those people an opportunity to reply maybe, those who don't know anything about this, can ignore my post and not reply, save us both the time..
Thank you for reading it though.
Update on my winter fuel allowance.
I received €582.25 into my bank account today from the DWP.
I haven't received notification yet from the DWP, but it is in my account, down as winter fuel.
While i'm here.
My UK pension is going up to £158.01 from this month,
which equates to around €736 a month.
Happy days.
A friend got her reply from HMRC, asking for certified copies of her identity documents, addresses etc. When she rang HMRC, they were unhelpful, saying we don’t know who you are but did let slip that her NI number was for a male person. Anyone come across this? NI numbers being used by someone else?
I had applied for and was granted class 2 pension contribution. in February. I therefore paid the amount as per the letter. I can see the contribution to be reflected in my National Insurance account, however as class 3 and not class 2. Basically, I had paid enough to cover 6 years of class 2 contributions, but only 1 year is showing (appear to be at class 3). I therefore contacted HMRC who confirmed that I was class 2 and that they received my payment, but that they need to reallocate that. A ticket will re raised, but that will take about 20 weeks to complete.

Has anyone experienced that? Both my wife and I have applied and received class 2 approval at the same time. But I decided to pay for myself first, to see how it all works out and only then pay for my wife. Not sure if I should wait now or proceed with her payment.
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I noticed that there is now an online form CF83.

Has anyone used this or can offer an opinion on whether it is better to go the online route or the pen and paper way
e.g. does it allow adding additional details? etc