Two previous owners needed to sell to Property Developer?


Registered User
Hi. A friend of mine is selling a house which was left to her and her sister in their fathers will. The house had only one previous owner, i.e. the father. They spoke to an Estate Agent the other day who said they should check out how many owners the house had as property developers cannot buy unless there were two previous owners. Anyone ever heard of this?

Also if thats correct, would my friend and her sister be considered second owners even though they wont be occupying but just receiving the house through a legacy?

Many thanks
Never heard of such a thing. 90% of the land is this country has been owned by one person.
i think a clause like this can be put in the sales of some council houses... when the council sells them off cheap....
Never heard of such a thing. 90% of the land is this country has been owned by one person.

Wow, considering the registration/title records goes back hundreds of years, he/she must be very old.
I think we can do without the sarcasm when people are trying to help, thanks.
There used to be a restriction for Council houses -A few years ago I was interested in buying one and was told that if someone has bought out their house they have to sell to an owner occupier as part of the sales agreement.The restriction wouldn't then apply to the next owner and If i subsequently rented it out it I would have to get agreement from the council-Not sure how its policed though
Thank you all for your time and responses. The house was originally a council house bought out from the Council sometime in the 1970's. The Estate Agent said that 'sellers' had been caught out before at the last minute with this clause. Interesting...if a nuisance!

I think my friend should get more information from the Estate Agent - maybe they have a copy of the 'clause' or 'law' this comes under. I will let you know if I find out more
Hi Ris

I think my friend should get more information from the Estate Agent - maybe they have a copy of the 'clause' or 'law' this comes under. I will let you know if I find out more

It will be in the title deeds of the house. Ask the selling solicitor what the story is.

What is the point of asking an Estate Agent ? In most cases they will tell you what you want to hear, which may not be the truth. As Brendan said ask the solicitor or failing that they should ask the Council that once owned the property.