My home isn't under threat
Bitcoin is a totally separate investment (mostly from years ago). We have around 111k left on a 168k mortgage, (€227k house, 25% downpayment) with the house now valued at at least 300k. Approx €800 per month payment which we've never had trouble paying. You're acting like I could lose my shirt over this
I came in good faith but I obviously poked the hornets nest here. A lot of insecurity around the issue of Bitcoin it seems, and nothing but debunked arguments from years ago. Things have moved on.
(I'm not even allowed to post links here, and can only post every two or three hours, this place is like something from 2002?
but) Do you really think companies with the reputations of Blackrock, Fidelity, Invesco would let themselves be associated with a 'pUMp ANd dUmP PoNzi ScaM', buying Bitcoin worth hundreds of millions every day? Get real lads.
(Don't @ me with 'they're just taking the fees from greater fools, yadda yadda'. )