trip to cuba


From the teenage girl to the cigar-seller on the street corner, Cubans are given to break into spontaneous dance steps. Furthermore, the people dancing on the streets of Havana are likely to be just as good as the professionals, because in Cuba dancing is simply a way of life. The richness of Cuban music and dancing also tells the story of Cuba's melting pot of cultures.
Yes to the entry re dancing - they certainly to love to do it and have great rhythm. Everywhere you go there is music and afterwards they always try to sell cd's - however aren't very pushy if you give them a couple of peso's instead. Just back and had a wonderful time. Cubans like to dance, smoke cigars and drink rum
Hi Sue,
Tell us more about your trip, impressions and opinions of the country and people. It's been four years now since I've been and I'm longing to go again...