Toilet doors and hygiene

Not to encourage people not to wash - but healthy urine is sterile.
Not to encourage people not to wash - but healthy urine is sterile.

...but unfortunately quite smelly when it goes stale - which is pretty quickly. Many cultures have a history of drinking their own urine for supposed health benefits too - I think Ghandi was a devotee? Apparently, it's not completely uncommon in the west too.

Oh yea?
I,' the same about door handles coming out of toilets, if I have sleeves I pull down over my hand and open, then that article goes straight into wash when I get home.

I'm also very aware of leaving a handbag down on public toilet floors (as people do) and then they come home and pop the bag up on their kitchen units. I always keep the bag on my shoulder.
I'm also very aware of leaving a handbag down on public toilet floors (as people do) and then they come home and pop the bag up on their kitchen units. I always keep the bag on my shoulder.

I never bring my handbag out in public; Mrs Purple doesn't like it.
I have a friend who won't touch bowls of peanuts, crisps etc. that are left about in pubs etc. on social occasions, because of a fear of what he might ingest as a result of people there not having washed their hands after using the loo.
I remember a survey being done a couple of years back on the issue of peanuts and snacks in bowls on pub counters in the UK. It transpired that a majority of the peanuts sampled had traces of urine on them, so your friend is right to avoid them.
...Many cultures have a history of drinking their own urine for supposed health benefits too - I think Ghandi was a devotee? Apparently, it's not completely uncommon in the west too.
They drink it here too, its called Dutch Gold!

Even Steering wheels have nine times more germs than public toilet seats: