Toilet doors and hygiene

Anyone want to put their unclean hand up?

Well I will say that a few people I know, men and women, never seem to wash their hands - in their own houses as well as in a public place.

I absolutely always do BTW.
Always scrub my hands after using public toilets and always hate touching the door handle afterwards. Because of this I carry a small bottle of hand disinfecting gel in the bag, it also comes out whenever I use particularly grotty looking ATM's or shopping trolley handles. This is the kind of thing I mean [broken link removed]
I believe that the Prince of Wales' gofor, as well as squeezing the toothpaste onto his brush, also holds his willie for him. However this may be just the tabloids.
I used to work in a restaurant and we were often amazed, and slightly disgusted, at how rarely we needed to change the soap dispensers in the toilets. The staff soap dispenser used to be changed almost every week - and yet the same sized soap dispenser could be in the customers toilet for months.
On an entirely unrelated note, we used to find (clean) underwear in the toilets every month or so - both men and womens in their respective toilets at varying times. Can anyone think of a satisfactory explanation for this??!
On an entirely unrelated note, we used to find (clean) underwear in the toilets every month or so - both men and womens in their respective toilets at varying times. Can anyone think of a satisfactory explanation for this??!

Nothing to do with the Da Vinci Code I trust
I believe that the Prince of Wales' gofor, as well as squeezing the toothpaste onto his brush, also holds his willie for him. However this may be just the tabloids.

So are you saying he holds his tabloids and his willie for him?
As well as squeezing his toothpaste?

Hopefully he doesn't get any of them mixed up.
It often crosses my mind, too, about the toilet door handle but, as my wife pointed out recently, probably many more germs infest the paper money we use. Do you ever pay-up for your bag of fish and chips and then go eat them without wahing your hands having handled all that skankey cash? I know I do/did. My missus always has some off-cuff way of unnerving me doggone it!
On an entirely unrelated note, we used to find (clean) underwear in the toilets every month or so - both men and womens in their respective toilets at varying times. Can anyone think of a satisfactory explanation for this??!

Amazing, unless they were those control brief type underwear and as it was a Restaurant it became uncomfortable for the wearer as the meal commenced to have their tummies controlled?!
I'm also amazed when I see people just wiggle the tips of their finger in the vague direction of the tap. If they've gone to the trouble of turning the bloody thing on, would they not wash their hands properly?
I have a friend who won't touch bowls of peanuts, crisps etc. that are left about in pubs etc. on social occasions, because of a fear of what he might ingest as a result of people there not having washed their hands after using the loo.
You have to keep all this in perspective. Saw a programme on TV and they did a bacterial count on various things. They swabbed all sorts of objects including desks in offices and the toilets in Glastonbury. They found that the toilets were cleaner than the surfaces of the offices desks!!!
Thus I bring the bleach to work every so often and do a quiet blitz including phones which are usually filthy.Do healthy people suffer from this level of contamination? Probably not, different though when people are old and sick or both.
Speaking of matters hygienic, (and for the record I ALWAYS wash my hands!!) something that puzzles me is the way plastic gloves are used in food preparation. I have often seen someone preparing, for example, a sandwich, they handle all the foodstuffs, and then pick up the knife/ plate or whatever-all the while wearing the plastic gloves. In extreme cases they even operate the cash till...still wearing the gloves. So what is the purpose of the gloves??
I absolutely hate using public toilets, would never sit on one and hate not knowing the level of cleanlyness of the taps, soap dispenser, door handle,... I always wash my hands and turn off the taps and open the door with either a bit of toilet tissue or my elbow. But I do agree that those taps and door handles are absolutely filthy and kind of undo all the good you've done by washing your hands.

I've only not washed my hands when there was no water available but I think it's different for men and women. We don't have to hold our ladybits when having a wee.

Your willy is waaaay cleaner than your hands so you are technically contaminating your man-bits by touching them.

I am a woman so this does not apply to me.

I have a friend who won't touch bowls of peanuts, crisps etc. that are left about in pubs etc. on social occasions, because of a fear of what he might ingest as a result of people there not having washed their hands after using the loo.

In Germany they provide little spoons for this and scooping peanuts or crisps with your hand is almost illegal in bars. I did this once and the bar tender took the bowl away, brough a new one and discreetly asked me to use the spoon. I just wasn't thinking the first time!

I have asked shop assistants to change their gloves prior to making my sandwich more than once.
if there is no toilet paper to cover your hand with why don't your crazies just buy a pack of condoms from the condom machine and use one of them to cover you hands. Just don't tell the pope.

I always wash my hands. Working in a library my pet hate is people queuing up to borrow books and retrieving their library card from their wallet, sticking it in their mouth while they put the wallet away and then expecting me to take the card from them. I just hold up the scanner and let them keep hold of the card. People do this in banks and video stores too
if there is no toilet paper to cover your hand with why don't your crazies just buy a pack of condoms from the condom machine and use one of them to cover you hands. Just don't tell the pope.

But you have to press the dirty button on the dispenser first!!

Reminds me of a joke about the guy who thought that Johnny Cash was the change from a condom machine.
I've only not washed my hands when there was no water available but I think it's different for men and women. We don't have to hold our ladybits when having a wee.

Well maybe not, and not to get too graphic, but I guess there is a much greater potential for germ transfer due to the ladies' wiping process.

As long as the men bits are clean in the first place, really it's not much different to touching your thigh or something - men don't need to get as intimate with their bits during 'wee time'.

(Sorry but I don't think there was a more polite way of saying the above!)