sfag is talking rubbish aircobra.
typical wall vents are designed to allow generally 4 air changes every hour.
so picture this, you have a room with a rad and an air vent.
the air is completely changed 4 times every hour in the room by the vent, therefore the radiator has to heat the whol eroom 4 times every hour. thats how it works.
with a heat recovery unit working at say, 75% efficiency, and assuming the same room... then....
the rad heats the room once, during the next hour the HRv system change sthe air 4 times, as like the passive vent, however, every time it changes the air it retains 75% of the heat of the room. therefore with HRV systems the room only needs to be heated once every hour instead of 4 times with a passive vent. thats the principle its based on and the reason they are relatively expensive pieces of machimnery (approx 5k for a standard house)