For the record, I understand your predicament as I was in the exact same one myself about 6 or 7 years ago, bought a place which really effected my quality of life, could just about keep my head over water financially, was actually living from my credit card once all bills were paid. Ironically it brought about my decision to live abroad (for a short period of time) which ended up me staying abroad (strange the way life turns out I bought in Dublin to settle down, ended up abroad to afford it, never moved back). The point is you do have options (that dont involve leaving Ireland) where you can make this work without putting your future financial self in jeopardy. Sit down, maybe get an accountant to help (any friends studying accountancy that could help you), and work out the financial impact of selling and renting, selling and upgrading, renting the whole place out (paying tax and SD clawback), renting a room out (clawback), not moving out but availing of offers from BoS as the owner occupier, looking at other outgoings cost of social life, holidays, car that maybe you could cut back on etc. and chosing the most financially viable one.