Personally I'd be very reluctant to fix at any time but that is not an absolute position. Reasons why I wouldn't fix are the lack of flexibility in changing my mortgage and the premium required. Those reasons never really change. Reasons to fix would be the need for an assured repayment amount. That would be my primary consideration. I would consider at the moment whether it is worth fixing since ECB rates are low but personally I don't think I would be a winner, I think the bank would be. While I acknowledge that you are more likely to get a good fixed rate now - I think that reflects an interpretation, a gamble on the part of the bank that rates are not likely to rise at a steep rate in the next two years. I would tend to agree with them - there does not appear to be a significant likelihood of inflationary pressure encouraging the ECB to raise rates quickly within the next year or two years. For me it would mean a loss of the tracker rate, immediate payment of a higher mortgage interest rate and limitations on capital overpayment (which I am currently taking advantage of the low rate to increase this). For me these outweigh any benefit I might acquire from an increase in ECB rates within the next two to five years. However when I first got my mortgage I stress tested the repayments by a sizeable margin so I know that they are affordable even with a sizeable jump in the base rate, if I had not that comfort of affording a bigger repayment if needs be, the incentive to fix would be much greater - a reflection of a requirement for certainty.