To fix or not to fix electricity price

So we're back to Airtricity then but on their smart plan ;)

I have to say that this whole area of renewing energy contracts really is becoming like health insurance renewals, a head wrecker

I never had to "head-wreck" on medical insurance because I had it through successive workplaces, where the only choice is whether to keep the default plan or shell out for a fancier one and the difference is usually easy to work out. I guess it can be very weird for people without this kind of work benefit.

Just had a quick scan of the T&C's and noticed these in section 4 and 12

By agreeing to take part in the EnergiHub EV Product Trial and availing of the Services, you hereby confirm that you understand and accept that the Services may not always work or be capable of being fixed in respect of the EnergiHub EV Product.

The EnergiHub EV Product Rate will be valid until 31 May 2025 or until SSE Airtricity ceases this EnergiHub Trial in accordance with these terms and conditions or this Agreement.

Thanks! This does make it a bit iffy all right. Notably they can simply pull it after May and I'm stuck on their rather unwelcoming Time of Use Smart tariff (or their EV one which I consider rather useless).
D/N meter was replaced with a Smart Meter but did not switch it to a Smart tariff as that change is unidirectional.

You don't need to switch to a smart tariff to view the data from your Smart Meter. You just need to register with ESB networks

After that you can download the HDF file and then use it on EnergyPal to analyze your usage. If your meter has only recently been changed then its probably not much use to you

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Responses from the EnergiHub team were very slow and the gas price, while it is back at the Jan 1 level, appears to be stabilising, so I decided to go back to Energia and enable the smart meter features. Might yet regret losing the MCC02 status. On the other hands, in general smart is getting better, though not on SSE; maybe in another year someone will have a product similar to the Bord Gais EV offering but with 4 hours of an EV window.