To Buy or Not To Buy

Would 8 K not buy you a very nice kitchen? When you signed the contract did you not check that it included the items you saw in the advertising? Or did you assume that what you saw in the showhouse would be in your house? You may have to wait a year so you better start planning for that, it's not a nice situation to be in but if the property has not even begun to be built yet and now it's September you're looking at summer next year I imagine, that's if the builder builds at all, I hope your 15K is secure. OP you can try and negotiate with the builder, a reduced sale price is better than none.
..............bought in summer 06 property due to be ready end of 07, property has not begun being built yet so will prob not be ready for another year if not longer.

Would we be mad to walk away from deposit of 15k if we got the chance as we need somewhere to live soon.

If 15k was your contract signed deposit issue the completion notice and then wait for new leglislation which will increase the District Court case limit to €20k (hopefully). You DC case will cost a lot less and should not require barristers etc.

Issuing the completion notice may protect you from builder looking for you to complete whenever house is built.

Although a reply on aam is no sustitutute for your own solictors advice.
If 15k was your contract signed deposit issue the completion notice and then wait for new leglislation which will increase the District Court case limit to €20k (hopefully). You DC case will cost a lot less and should not require barristers etc.

Issuing the completion notice may protect you from builder looking for you to complete whenever house is built.

Although a reply on aam is no sustitutute for your own solictors advice.

Completion notice has been served and since expired and they are ignoring it. Own solicitor is talking of court proceedings and employing barrister. What is this new legislation u are talking about and when is it likely to happen?
Completion notice has been served and since expired and they are ignoring it. Own solicitor is talking of court proceedings and employing barrister. What is this new legislation u are talking about and when is it likely to happen?

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A telephone call to your local TD to ask a question in the dail (when they get back around October from their summer holidays) might be the best approach to find out where they are on this legislation.
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A telephone call to your local TD to ask a question in the dail (when they get back around October from their summer holidays) might be the best approach to find out where they are on this legislation.

Thanks for that. Have you ever heard of this actually making it to court as I am curious to know as it will take approx a year .