Three mobile credit disappeared suddenly


Registered User
I have auto topups enabled on three and recently bought credit through this but woke up to all my credit gone and a "low balance" text from three.
I cant figure it out, could there be an issue on their side?
Can't you see what the credit was used for via your online account? If not then you'll probably have to contact Three support for assistance.
Same here, I topped up again so I could use data, but it'll be contacting support.

community.three .ie/t5/Prepay-Plans-and-Services/bd-p/PrepayPlans

Seems plenty of others facing this issue
"Some Three prepay customers are currently experiencing issues with Call,SMS and Data services. Our technical team are working to resolve this disruption as soon as possible." - X.
Glad to see it's a general issue. My data allowance incorrectly expired overnight, which caused my credit to be used up. Very bad timing, as I was admitted to hospital yesterday!
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Problem resolved according to this:
Credit still not back here. As it's a general issue, I haven't followed up the useless response to my support request.
Credit is back for me, probably as of sometime today (although posting date shows as Saturday). And they seem to have pushed out the expiry date for all credit to 180 days from today.
Just received the following SMS from 3

From Three: Following a technical issue on Sunday, March 16, you were (incorrectly) charged for calls, SMS, and data services. The issue is now resolved. A credit for the charges incurred has been applied to your account. To view your balance, text BALANCE to 50272. We apologise for any inconvenience this caused.
No compensation for being without service
Does the contract terms and conditions provide for any service level agreement guarantee and/or penalty clause should there be any outage?

Does ComReg mandate anything in such circumstances?