If kept low it will attract high earning workers to this country just like our corporation tax has attracted the multinationals here. We could really become a knowledge economy, instead of just pretending we are.
Absolutely right. Even the more left leaning parties like Labour, SF and even the SDLP were out in the last 12 months saying how terrible it would be if Ireland were "forced" to increase it's corporate tax rate. I even heard Vincent Brown talk about how the low tax rate attracted and retained corporations of all sizes. What has always baffled me is that the same people are then out advocating an increase in taxation on "the rich", as if it would not have the same affect as increasing corporation tax. Perfect example of Einstein's definition of insanity.
There is always talk about getting "the rich" to pay their "fair share", but pretty much none of the advocates allow themselves to be pinned down to define "rich" and "fair share". As already mentioned 5% of income tax payers are responsible for 50% of income tax revenue. I, for one, am extremely grateful for the amount of tax these people are already paying; if any high income earners are reading this: THANK YOU!
Also, nobody mentions what would happen if "the rich" paid more taxes. Rich people do not hoard their money in secret rooms in their mansions. They either deposit it in a bank or directly invest it. If the government were to take this money away from them then there would be less capital available, and with less capital there will be less business investment and therefore less jobs. Taxing the rich more will have exactly the opposite effect on the economy.
Introducing a flat rate of tax is an attractive idea and it well worth examining but in reality, it is very difficult to implement. The UK looked into this a few years ago and found that there would be a something like a £50 billion shortfall in income tax in year one that would have to be found somewhere. By adjusting the rate and tax free allowances, they found that middle income earners ended up losing out at the expense of lower and higher income earners. Countries would love to move towards this system but the implementation is very complicated.
This is very true. In order for a flat tax rate to be successfully introduced it would have reduce the tax liability of all those currently paying taxes. Unfortunately there are a huge number of low income earners in this country that do not pay tax, but they have to be brought in to the tax net.
The reasons why politicians do not like the ideas and come out with reports that show how "unworkable" it is, is because in the short term a flat tax rate would also mean reducing government spending (not a bad thing). But of course politicians hate having to reduce spending as it doesn't allow them to buy more votes.