I estimate in 2-3 years maximum most if not all investors will see a magic beanstalk that will take them(with a certain amount of climbing) to a land of unimaginable riches.
Is this land of unimaginable riches Dubai, Bulgaria or Cape Verde?
I estimate in 2-3 years maximum most if not all investors will see a magic beanstalk that will take them(with a certain amount of climbing) to a land of unimaginable riches.
Irish Bob just because your mate invested in a dud fund doesn't mean that all funds are crooks or incompetant. There are many decent funds out there run by decent people who deserve to be well rewarded when their funds perform.
Never let others decide what to do with your own money -
What about -
Dud estate agents?
Dud developers?
Dud tenants?
Dud lawyers?
Dud management companies?
Dud mortgage banks?
Hi whatsnew,
I would refer you to the following post by an absolutely outstanding and extremely knowledgable contributor to this forum: auto320.
I think the most important reason is why you want to invest somewhere. If the OP is looking to relocate to sunnier climates, cheaper cost of living etc then Bulgaria is not such a bad bet...
........If he is simply wanting a holiday home near the sea then he can easily pick up an apartment in one of the many beaches for a good price, given the number of people desperate to sell.
You sound very bitter Lollix Ireland is also very bleak and depressing in the winter and the uk and so on.