Things that impress you...

Do you women think of nothing else? :p
... and I don't mean Rugby.

Erm...well sometimes I can get my fluttery little female brain to focus on other things too, like, em, clothes...and, em, oh yeah- hairstyles...erm..and oh yeah, world peace ( but please don't ask me any questions about that last one).;)
Someone I saw on the corner of O'Connell Bridge, Dublin a few months ago. It was absolutely flogging rain and he/she was sitting on a stool covered with a kind of sheet (you could see their legs though) and out through the top of the sheet poked a kind of reindeer head, sort of homemade looking, soaking wet. The jaws of the little reindeer opened and closed by being pulled by the person in time to the music from a player hidden under the sheet.
I absolutely laughed my head off at the wonderful naivete of it, indeed I was moved to pat the little reindeer's head, which was soaking wet. I thought - that person is brave to compete for a few bob in our sophisticated society with such a simple, honest piece of fun.
Someone I saw on the corner of O'Connell Bridge, Dublin a few months ago. It was absolutely flogging rain and he/she was sitting on a stool covered with a kind of sheet (you could see their legs though) and out through the top of the sheet poked a kind of reindeer head, sort of homemade looking, soaking wet. The jaws of the little reindeer opened and closed by being pulled by the person in time to the music from a player hidden under the sheet.
I absolutely laughed my head off at the wonderful naivete of it, indeed I was moved to pat the little reindeer's head, which was soaking wet. I thought - that person is brave to compete for a few bob in our sophisticated society with such a simple, honest piece of fun.

That person is always on Grafton Street. I think it's annoying.
Good Manners
Mary Robinson
Jean Christophe Novelli -on a purely visual level, although I'm sure his grub tastes lovely too.
Good Manners
Jean Christophe Novelli

Isn't that an oxymoron? Isn't he the chef who threw a load of dishes at some unfortunate in a reality TV show. He must have left his manners at home that day.:confused:
When you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and then scurry back to bed.

That feeling, the second you pull the duvet back over you - that impresses me :)
We're not quite there yet but the frost on my car this morning reminded me of a few further things that impress me......

The self-motivation to climb out of bed in the early hours when your wife and daughter are snoring in the bed beside you and haven't even got the decency to twitch when you kiss them goodbye for the day.

When you can find your car in the carpark under a couple of inches of snow at 6am in the morning by shape alone. You never remember where you left the damn thing the night before. It's a guy thing.

German engineering which ensures that you can always get at least one hinged thingey on the car open although it's usually the boot lid.

My own 'natural athlete' like flexibility even in my late 30's which means that I can still wriggle through the ski hatch in the back seat, fall onto the rear bench and then struggle through the gap in front seats to land sweating and cursing in my Michelin man-like snow suit in the drivers seat. Key in the ignition, seat warmer set to stun, 10 minutes of the windscreen heater and I'm ready to drive the 3 minutes to the office. Skidding all over the place, but still managing to keep it out of the ditch, because I smugly ignored the severe weather warnings and didn't change over to winter tires.

Of course I could have already been there if I walked but that's not really the point.....

Oh yeah! Romanian winter. Bring it on baby! My tan is fading and my skis are already all waxed up...

Now i'm smiling and all impressed.............:)
Rockhopper Penguins, the Ocean, Mountains, my family, Carers, the vastness of the Universe, intelligence (particularly when allied with humility and/or a sense of humour) . . are a few things that randomly spring to mind.
People who:
  • care for long term sick or invalid people
  • take the time to be friendly and pleasant towards others, even when they are incredibly busy or stressed
  • hold down a job AND have babies/young kids - how do you do it?!
  • confront people who make offensive remarks to or about others - fair play for being brave
  • take control of their lives by not being afraid of change
  • instead of moaning about things actually do something about it (like instead of moaning about traffic, big supermarkets/malls taking over and local shops/post offices closing, they walk to their local shops and businesses and actually buy stuff from them)
(Ok the last one was more of a gripe, but those people DO impress me!)
People who:
  • Obviously carers for the long term sick or invalid people, both professionally and ones that do it for elderly family - I dont know how they do it - truely amazing and selfless - I couldnt do it
  • People of princple - people who consistantly take a more difficult route in life because it goes against what they believe
Did anyone see the Nine O Clock News, RTE 1, Nov. 1?

I was mightily impressed by an item concerning the burial of an unknown man found drowned off the west coast a year ago.

The people of Kilrush, Co. Clare held a funeral for him today, went to the church and thence the graveyard, all for a man they didn't know. The coffin was carried by a local Guard, the Mayor and two others.

I think it was a lovely gesture.