Key Post The taxation of dividends from German companies

When asked to specify country, you get various German states.


I just left them blank and it accepted it.
I didn't enter a tax number.
So, now I seem to have registered - I presume it's the equivalent of ROS.

Now I have to figure out how I actually go about reclaiming the tax on my German dividends.
So I am not alone in having had previous applications for refunds rejected
SClass gave me this information

On the My BOP home page. Click Show all forms.
In Steuer International Section.
Click. Applications according to 50c EStG
Click. Application for reimbursement or exemption of capital gains according to section 50c or section 44a paragraph 9 of the income tax act.

(You are applying for the reimbursement.)
Based on your previous information regarding the type of relief, residence and legal form, the following legal basis for the application was determined:

It is filled in automatically
Antrag auf Erstattung von deutscher Abzugsteuer auf Kapitalerträge
- Nach § 50c Abs. 3 EStG in Verbindung mit DBA

which Google translates as

Application for a refund of German withholding tax on capital gains
- According to Section 50c Paragraph 3 EStG in conjunction with DBA

(This mentions Capital Gains again.)


No idea if I have a Relief Tax number, I will proceed without it.

So I need a Certificate of REsidence - which I don't have !

No need to log out. You can get that in ROS instantly.
Now we get to the meat of the application. I have to put in all the information relating to the share I am claiming for.

I will have to find all that information first so I will abort the application as I have other stuff to do.
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I was in the same boat as you Brendan, sent my application was submitted on 11/24/2024.
I think I did similar with the Danes via the wonderfully named skat.dg - this was a much smoother process, although I can't seem to find any emails relating to it now. If I recall correctly they said it could take 18 months to process.