Hi Sunny,
I really should know better than engaging with you further. My final comments for now. I actually have devoted too much time to this thread already for the time-being. If I don't go to the trouble of answering your next observation(s), I seek your understanding in advance. I need to devote whatever available time I have to studying the card!
1. Yesterday, IMVHO you made a dodgy (read: flat wrong) statement as per the quote above. I asked for clarification - but, hey, it didn't arrive. Am I particularly surprised? It's what happens inconvenient statements sometimes....
[For yonks, I've been highlighting the risks that those that follow Colm's approach could get mushed - ring any bells??!! My warnings, like those of Fella and others, were ignored, dismissed, etc. Now that the chickens have come home to roost - sure we all always knew the risks! I think you're having a laugh, maybe even a right laugh!]
2. Yesterday,
becomes today
Which is it??!! Are you having another laugh?
I get it that Duke of Marmalade, yourself and others are in the Fagan camp, so to speak. But as I said yesterday and am repeating now (note the consistency here!
