The Lucy Letby Case

At the risk of repeating myself - this woman should be released immediately pending a full review of the case & conviction. Have read the latest Private Eye investigation, which is damming (it'll be available online eventually.) There's also a lot of leaking going on - presumably from interested parties who were involved in the case too afraid to go public...

A leaked copy of Dr Hawdon’s report – which was never seen by the jury in the original trial – showed she thought 13 of the 17 deaths and collapses could be explained. The consultant made several recommendations, including that out-of-hours attendance by consultants should be reviewed, and that staff should be given further help with intubating babies and the timely administration of antibiotics.

Giving evidence at the Thirlwall Inquiry on Monday, Claire McLaughlan, a lay reviewer for the RCPCH, said she believed allegations against Letby were “not based on fact” and seemed to be the personal opinion of Dr Stephen Breary a consultant on the ward.
In a statement read to the hearing, she said: “In my opinion, this was the personal view, feelings, interpretation, of one person regarding Miss Letby. It was not based on fact; it was uncorroborated.

“Even now I would not consider his view as objective or impartial, as he was too involved, too close to the situation and had a conflict of interest.”
Giving evidence, she added: “They gave us a mixed picture because they told us in one breath about their concerns and the allegations they were making but in the next breath they were telling us what a good nurse she was.
Hawdon is claiming she was misled and would have approached it in a different way if she thought someone was under suspicion.!

That statement alone should alarm people.

In a way she is saying that if she was told to look for criminality, she would have found a way to find it.

I think in medical or financial type cases the jury should be made up from a panel that have some knowledge of the subject - otherwise it's very easy to steer a jury a certain way.

The UK post office/ horizon scandal is a classic example.
The first of many books on this disturbing case....a few excerpts from the review below.

Did the state, the police, the prosecution service or the media really presume Letby's innocence before she was judged? In which case, is there any solid basis for her conviction, or have we just witnessed a spasm of establishment groupthink and a nasty piece of injustice?

Again and again the authors stress the absence of any hard evidence that Letby did anything wrong.

They record that the doctors who first accused her of wrongdoing ‘hadn’t a shred of proof’. It is not even clear that anybody did anything wrong. They note that not long before Ms Letby’s first arrest there was still no direct evidence against her. ‘Not one of her colleagues could say they had seen her harming a baby’.
More revelations today....her new barrister must be feeling more and more confident. (Behind a paywall - an excerpt below.)


A neonatal ward manager at Lucy Letby's hospital outlined 15 reasons why the nurse could not be to blame for the deaths and collapse of babies, it has emerged. Documents released for the Thirlwall Inquiy, which is examining how incidents at the Countess of Chester could have been prevented, show that Eirian Powell, Letby’s boss, was unconvinced by allegations against the nurse.

She distributed a document entitled “Neonatal Unit review 2015-2016” in May 2016, which gave 15 reasons why it was unlikely there was a baby killer on the ward.

“There is no evidence whatsoever against LL (Lucy Letby) other than coincidence,” she wrote. “LL works full time and has the qualification in speciality (QIS). She is therefore more likely to be looking after the sickest infant on the unit, LL is also available herself to work overtime when the acuity of the unit is over capacity.”

The neonatal ward manager went on to point out that the spike in deaths could be accounted for by failings on the unit and elsewhere as well as health problems with the babies.
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You wonder just how long the UK Justice system will hold out under the mounting pressure. Her compensation payment for this injustice is mounting by the day...she'll get millions.

Fundamental flaws in the criminal trial system led to the former nurse Lucy Letby being convicted of murder in a “clear miscarriage of justice”, David Davis has said in parliament.

In a parliamentary debate, the former cabinet minister detailed the mounting concerns of leading experts about the convictions and said there should quickly be a retrial. He said he believed Letby would be cleared in it.

Good to see RTE finally giving this some coverage. Surprising really given the amount of Irish nurses, doctors etc working in the UK and the similarities of our legal systems. The last paragraph (below) is bizarre and seems to suggest yet again that the safety of the conviction shouldn't be examined due to the distress caused to the parents. Do they want true justice - or a head on a plate?

For the families of the victims, the distress continues too. They've described debate around the conviction of Letby as "grossly offensive" and "distressing" and have called for it to stop.
Good to see RTE finally giving this some coverage.
RTÉ are paying six figures to have a London-based correspondent.

This is the first sceptical RTÉ coverage of the case eight months after the New Yorker story. It purely regurgitates what is already in the public domain.

If you'd paid me €50 I would've written a better story six months ago....
RTÉ are paying six figures to have a London-based correspondent.

This is the first sceptical RTÉ coverage of the case eight months after the New Yorker story. It purely regurgitates what is already in the public domain.

If you'd paid me €50 I would've written a better story six months ago....
So business as usual from the Public Sector Broadcaster.
Three relevant stories in the media today....

Another week - more developments....

Evidence gathered by Letby’s new legal team raises the harrowing prospect that she is serving life in jail for murders which were in fact deaths caused by insitutional failings at the hospital. Experts have increasingly questioned how Letby, 35, was convicted with only circumstantial evidence, contested statistical probabilities and a lack of a convincing motive. Key planks of the prosecution case have since been cast into serious doubt.
Really disturbing case. It's a warning of the danger of framing an issue in an emotional context instead of one based on evidence and fact. There's a reason why the statue of Justice is blindfolded.
This seems like a very significant development. Perhaps one of the most important so far:

Unbeknown to Lee, an academic paper he had co-authored more than 30 years earlier had been used to help convict Letby 35
Now 18 months after the neonatal nurse was given a whole-life sentence, Lee is preparing to make a significant intervention in her case and has flown more than 4,000 miles to London to lead a press conference on behalf of Letby’s legal team.

*Edit/Update: Good to see it getting more coverage from our own media too:

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Even the daily mail has done a 360 degree turn and is now calling for an investigation.

I suspect it's the first time in their history to do this.
Well...that was quite an extraordinary press conference. I watched it (over three coffees!) with a mix of astonishment, incredulity - and anger. It really beggars belief how it ever got to this place.

Hard to know where to start but there'll be no shortage of attention grabbing headlines in the coming hours, days and weeks.

Never before in British legal history has such a highly respected group of medical experts come together to challenge the evidence against a convicted serial killer. The 14 neonatologists who have reviewed the Lucy Letby data are world-class specialists, with thousands of medical and scientific papers published between them. Their conclusion: there were no murders, only the precariousness of prematurity, coupled with the tragic incompetence of a failing baby unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital.

Letby, who is serving 15 whole-life terms after being convicted of carrying out attacks on babies in her care at Countess of Chester hospital, has always maintained her innocence. She is now at the centre of one of the biggest alleged miscarriage of justice campaigns in British history. Like a Netflix show in real time her case has gone global, and looms like a cloud over Britain’s legal system. Politicians, journalists and now doctors are weighing in behind her.

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The Economist weighs in on the matter....

None of the experts goes so far as to claim that Ms Letby is innocent. The question is whether her conviction was based on unreliable evidence, and was thus, in legal terms, unsafe. If so, the nurse could be the victim of one of the highest-profile miscarriages of justice in British history. Regardless of the outcome, the case raises troubling questions about the workings of the British state. Part of the complexity lies in the fact that the case against Ms Letby was entirely circumstantial. There were no eyewitnesses, forensic evidence or motive to speak of.