Hawdon is claiming she was misled and would have approached it in a different way if she thought someone was under suspicion.!At the risk of repeating myself - this woman should be released immediately pending a full review of the case & conviction. Have read the latest Private Eye investigation, which is damming (it'll be available online eventually.) There's also a lot of leaking going on - presumably from interested parties who were involved in the case too afraid to go public...
Three of Lucy Letby’s victims ‘could have deaths explained by medical problems’
A review found the deaths of Babies C, D and E at the Countess of Chester Hospital ‘may have been prevented with different care’www.telegraph.co.uk
A leaked copy of Dr Hawdon’s report – which was never seen by the jury in the original trial – showed she thought 13 of the 17 deaths and collapses could be explained. The consultant made several recommendations, including that out-of-hours attendance by consultants should be reviewed, and that staff should be given further help with intubating babies and the timely administration of antibiotics.
Giving evidence at the Thirlwall Inquiry on Monday, Claire McLaughlan, a lay reviewer for the RCPCH, said she believed allegations against Letby were “not based on fact” and seemed to be the personal opinion of Dr Stephen Breary a consultant on the ward.
In a statement read to the hearing, she said: “In my opinion, this was the personal view, feelings, interpretation, of one person regarding Miss Letby. It was not based on fact; it was uncorroborated.
“Even now I would not consider his view as objective or impartial, as he was too involved, too close to the situation and had a conflict of interest.”
Giving evidence, she added: “They gave us a mixed picture because they told us in one breath about their concerns and the allegations they were making but in the next breath they were telling us what a good nurse she was.
That statement alone should alarm people.
In a way she is saying that if she was told to look for criminality, she would have found a way to find it.
I think in medical or financial type cases the jury should be made up from a panel that have some knowledge of the subject - otherwise it's very easy to steer a jury a certain way.
The UK post office/ horizon scandal is a classic example.