The Lucy Letby Case

Howth Head

Registered User
I've taken a keen interest in this case for the past few months - partly because I have a bit more time on my hands and partly due to the fact that I have a close family member working in a broadly similar healthcare role (i.e caring for sometimes very sick children and babies.)

To summarize very briefly: this young woman was convicted and jailed for life for murdering seven babies and attempting to murder seven more. She's been described as "Britain's Worst Baby Killer" and is condemned to die in prison.

The case against her was entirely based on circumstantial "evidence," statistical probability - and a supposed "confession." No-one saw her doing anything wrong and in fact the original post-mortems concluded that the babies had died of natural causes due to their various serious conditions etc.

There were doubts about the evidence and the way the case was presented (and defended) right from the start. More recently growing numbers of senior experienced medical and other experts have been expressing their astonishment and disbelief at what has since been revealed.

(She had an appeal soundly rejected - and indeed was convicted of a further murder subsequent to her original conviction.)

She has taken on a new barrister who is compiling a case for an appeal/review - which could take years to conclude.

Meanwhile there've been scores of articles written in recent months and an inquiry is underway, albeit based on the clear assumption that this case is closed and what "lessons can be learned" etc.

I've always had doubts about this case but yesterday's revelations in The Guardian have firmly convinced me that this is highly likely to be a massive miscarriage of justice. Even worse, it looks like it could involve a cover-up and possibly even a conspiracy among some of the Hospital staff to scapegoat her for a litany of their own failings.

Some more articles below:

Chanel 5 Documentary